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Shu : Guys I brought watermelon! Who want-

Valt, Dante, Aiga : ME!! ME!!! ME!!!!

Delta : yeah me too. I guess...

Fubuki : I want some too.

Lui : Today I'm gonna tell you, kids a ghost story~

Free : *closed the curtains, switch off lights* *turns on flash light* Boo~

Dante and Valt : 😨😢 Wahhh!!?!!!!

Delta and Shu : Free!!!! Don't scare them!!

Free : hehe~

Lui : alright Shu, you go cut the melon and come back. Now now kids get your pillows or comfortable place.

Free : my pillow~ *pulls valt to his lap* Valty~ *hugs him*

Valt : hehe..

Delta : *sees Dante shows puppy eyes* want to sit on my lap?

Dante : Yes!!!

Delta : *opens his hands* come

Dante : Yeahh!!!! Thank you Delta!!

Aiga : *sat on Fubuki's lap* you won't mind it right, fubuki?

Fubuki : of course I won't. *hugs him*

Lui : Shu come fast! Alright kids~ now now let's get to the story~

Valt : lui? Will ghosts are real?

Lui : *pats valt* No babylips, but yes

Valt, Dante : *confused as hell* ???????

Shu : Thats not true sweeties. Lui don't make the kids get nightmares..

Free : Come on Shu there's a strategy behind this.

Shu : What is it?

Delta : If the kids get scared they won't leave us so...

Fubuki : cool thing.

Dante and Aiga : Meanies!!!!!

Valt : Eh? *hugs Free* What are they saying?

Free : never mind them, valty. Let's cuddle~

Valt : hehehe!?

Shu : *hands everyone water melon slices*

Lui : Long time ago there lived two siblings, the elder one was a brother and the younger one was a sister. They were poor, one day the elder brother found a weird watermelon on his farm. Since he was poor they had never eaten any watermelons before. He takes the watermelon to his hut, with curiosity the younger sister ask him what's that. He replied it's a enchanted watermelon so she won't eat it without him. The sister believed him, she didn't dare to touch it. The brother placed it on the kitchen. The day went by, it's midnight the brother decides to eat the fruit tomorrow, the sister was asleep. Then the brother heard some voice like a lady crying.

Dante : *hugs Delta tightly* mmmnnn..

Delta : Shh... it's okay

Aiga : lady crying? Probably the sister was crying...

Fubuki : but she was asleep.

Shu : valty you okay?

Valt : hm!? Y-yeah.. hehe...

Free : *massages valt's shoulders* cool down.. no need to get scare, valty.. relax..

Valt : o-okie...

Lui : the brother wakes up and head to the place where the crying sound comes from. He was scared, he slowly made it to the kitchen, when he get there the crying sound becomes quiet. He saw the watermelon was on the floor with pool of blood but there's no one except him and his sister, who's blood is this? He thought. The watermelon has two beads on its round surface, it looks like eyes. The brother grab the watermelon and quickly ran to the near by well, he throws it, deep down the well. He head back home. He didn't said it to his sister. The night was little bit weird for him, he didn't sleep at all.

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