Thank You

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It's gonna be a personal thingy, feel free to skip the chapter ❤️

Valt : Oi oi! I'm still here *sit criss cross with a stubborn pout* Lemme hear you out!

Free : *yawns* Thanks, I'm gonna leave- *tug*

Valt : You're staying too.

Shu : *sit like a good boy* Sure.. um I guess.

Lui : *twitching* Why the heck I have to waste my time hearing your shitty story that is none of my concern?!!

Valt : Because you should be grateful!!!

Lui : Grateful my ass

Valt : Don't forgot you're getting a Lualt under working, it could be deleted if you say mean stuffs!

Shu : Show gratitude Lui. Gratitude.

Free : So that makes me want to leave right away since I'm not getting much of an attention from the author.

Valt : Jesus! Free!!! *Sat his lap* There! I won't Let you run away!!

Free : It won't take a second to grab you and put you away, but I won't.

Shu : Alright, Story time.

Me : *ahem* *put under spot light* H-HEY!! I'm super nervous for the love of God and now don't make me feel even more nervous!! *Hides behind the invincible magic sheet that makes people hidden* much better!

Lui : So we have to see nothing. While hearing the story?

Shu : Now don't go bullying people Lui.

Lui : I'm not?

Valt : Yes you're! *Put the duct tape on Lui* There it should do fine! We won't interrupt again!

Me : Thank You! *Takes out the script and start reading it*

Well, Honestly I wanted to see how my sister's social life is. Of course we all have different personas according to the location. For instance I'm completely a different person when I'm here and back in real life, school or home different personalities to please people. But the common ideal concept could clash though, I'm definitely not a social butterfly nor the type of person you could easily approach.

Exactly, if you go into my classroom you can always find me on the dead last of the classroom drawing random doodles on the corners of my text books with this aura around me "You're not welcome please get lost, thank you." Yes, I never really appreciate people's company. In fact, I just love to be on my own world, flooding with craziness.

On the contrary, I'm not all the sunshine or topper of my class. Just average, if I'm not being partial with myself. Never really cared about my grades seriously. Honestly I despised the concept "Teacher's pet" it's annoys the hell out of me oftentimes. And there she is, my younger sister. She's everything that I have never even thought of being one. She's damn perfect in every single fucking thing (If the future you see this, c'mon bow down to your sister for writing this in the damn early morning while you are in school rn in this timeline!!)

More often than saying, I'm not the type of person who would easily accept people in my life. It takes me time to get comfortable around them, naturally everyone has their own boundaries set right? But to me, I don't need hundreds of fake friends but one true friend that no matter what happens, they got your back and kind of a reliable person.

Back then I'm really a short tempered person, I still am though. Like when I get sort of a comment that plays with the nerve, I'll be literally like this : Staring at the phone with a scowl gritting my teeth and then slam my head against the wall yelling "GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY HEAD!" And at times I cry more than I breath (shit I feel like embarrassed to say this)

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