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Valt : *purrs* *purrs* mwahh *rubs his face against Lui's neck*

Lui : *trying to deal with clingy Valt* Tsk.

Free : Did he just purred?

Valt : Mwahhh~ *purrs*

Lui : *grabs Valt and make him sit on his lap* The hell is wrong with you, today? *Grabs his face to look at him* snap out of it, idiot

Free : Don't scold the child, he's just showing his love, dumbass

Lui : Say it when he literally crashes on top of you while rubbing his face on you. And he keeps making weird noises right on my ears.

Valt : *does the same thing like Lui said*

Shu : Did he still not recovered from it?

Free : hm? What?

Lui : *holds Valt's wrists trying to make him stay still* Curse that idiot author

(Me : *Peacefully eating my shrimps* ah- *cough cough cough*)

Shu : she is writing a Lualt one shot where Valt is an omega and he loves Lui.

Free : Oh the effects are still there huh?

Shu : Yes, it seems so.

Free : Hey little puppy come here~

Valt : *snarls* Grr!! *Hides behind Lui*

Lui : Jesus. Valt I swear I'm going to kill you

Valt : *puppy doll eyes* Mwah?

Lui : *sighs* Kidding. I love you.

Valt : *happy valt noises* yay!

Shu : Alright it seems the Vampire AU has won the poll because a lot of people decided to see me suffer in you guy's hands while getting my blood sucked off. Wow, I feel betrayed.

Free : *chuckles*

Shu : What's so funny?

Free : Nothing you just look like a whining bunny.

Shu : Oh please, I swear I'm going back to America.

Lui : *caressing Valt lovingly* Of course, but we are coming as well. As you see we are inseparable.

Shu : My ass. I'm leaving there just because I want to be away from you lunatics. No way.

Free : Heh. Shu can't leave us alone for a few hours

Shu : *blush* That's because I know how hopeless you guys are, leaving you three alone is enough to make the world fell into despair.

Lui : Whatever you say, Snowflake~

Valt : *purrs* Lui! *Pouts* gimme attention

Lui : Oh there you go, little one. *Give all his attention to the bluenette* *cuddles him* You're so cute, Valty~

Free : Hey hey, Valty give me some attention too

Valt : Bah *still lovesick with Lui because of the omega effects in him*

Shu : *pat Free's shoulder* Don't worry he will be normal soon.

Free : I guess you're right.

Lui : Heh, I won. *Sometimes Lui reminds me of Kacchan-*

Alright, as Shu said earlier, I'm currently writing an omegaverse AU (for details check the message board on my profile) So, I'll write the Vampire AU right after I'm done with Lualt.

I didn't really expect a lot of people would choose that one though, I was actually hoping for the Mermaid AU or the Werewolf AU or even the Slave AU. But here we go! Vampire~ time to see Diabolik lovers to get the senses back

Anyway I'm not sure why but suddenly I love this omegaverse thingy, even though I won't write the smut part but just the fluff, angst thingy. I just love the concept ;-; like Omega Valt is cute, and Alpha Shu, Lui, Free is damn handsome, please spare my nose.

Ahem, I just hope we might get a Lualt fanfiction later. But considering the fact that I decided to focus on Blue Sparks for the time being, there's no exceptions.

About the other Shui books, honestly I don't know but it might take some time to get the Shui senses to strike back. Until then I won't be able to write them *sigh*

Blue Sparks will return by end of the September month or the start of the October month. I just planned out a lot of stuffs to fit in but let's wait and see how it turns out though ;-;


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