They make valt cry......

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Valt : WHO STOLE IT?!!?!

Lui : Stole what?

Shu : Let me guess.. Beybread?

Free : Oops..

Valt : *cries* No it's valtryek!!

Lui : You lost it?!

Shu : Valty why are you so careless?!

Valt : I didn't lost it!  Someone stole it!!

Free : where did you last went today?

Valt : I forgot...

Lui : .....

Shu : .....

Free : ......

Valt : *cries* Do something!!! I want valtryek back!!

??? : *opens the door* Is this yours? *shows Valtryek*

??? : Hello!

??? : Oh! Valt! Hiii!!!

??? : We are back!


Aiga : Hehe let's play with him guys! >:D

Dante : Yeah! Valt senpai shall play with us! >:3

Hyuga : Yeah! I want too!! >:)

Hikaru : Sorry valt... they drag me with them...

Shu, Lui, Free : *thinks : Oh no... these kids gonna make our valty cry....*

Valt : *processing what he heard*

Aiga : Do you want valtryek?~

Valt : Yesh!!!!

Aiga : Get it! Dante! *throws it to Dante*

Dante : *catches it* Haha! Valt senpai catch me! *start running*

Valt : *chase him* GIMME VALTRYEK PWEASE!!!!

Dante : Hyuga!

Hyuga : *catches it* Hehe!! Valt here!

Valt : *on the verge of crying* GIMME VALTRYEK!!!!

Hyuga : Haha!! Not yet!

Hikaru : Umm.. guys... I guess we should stop this..... he gonna cry...

Aiga : Don't worry! Valt don't mind us playing with him. You know, Dante and I did this over 100 of times!

Dante : Hehe Valt senpai loves to play with us!

Hikaru : *looks at valt, who doesn't look like love to play this game* But I don't think-

Hyuga : HIKARU!! *throws valtryek*

Valt : My Valtryek!!!

Hikaru : Wah?!!! Woah woah *somehow catches it* gotcha!

Valt : *tackles hikaru* GIMME VALTRYEK!!!!

Hikaru : Um! Sure! Here!! I'm sorry!! ( uwu Hikaru respects elders because he is wise. Unlike the Other kids *points at Aiga, Dante, Hyuga*)

Lui : Aiga, Dante and Hyuga how many do I have to repeat? Stop playing with Valt like this!

Shu : *picks valt* He gonna cry because of you guys.. try to be nice with him..

Free : Or else I'll tell you scary stories- Ehem.. I mean teach you a lesson.

Aiga : I love scary stuffs!

Dante : Eh?! H-hehe... *scared*

Hyuga : *hugs himself* Wahh!! Nothing is scary than Lane's mad face!

Hikaru : Wrong! Its that creature on his shoulder! That's the scariest thing ever!!

Hyuga : Wait what?! No harry is the cutest thing ever!

Hikaru and Hyuga : *argues*

Aiga : Dante lets go and make another plan!

Dante : sure!

Aiga and Dante : *left*

Lui : Geez.... these kids... oh my poor valty.. *kiss him* don't cry.

Valt : Q///Q

Shu : do you want ice cream?

Valt : Yeah!

Free : Lets go then.

Lui : Next time let's make them cry and get your revenge! >:)

Valt : Okie dokie!

Shu : Not you too lui.... they're just kids...

Free : Hm.. but I'm positive they gonna comeback with another plan to make valty cry so we should do something.

Shu : Sounds fair-

Valt : I want ice cream!

Lui : sure sure let's go.

They left.....

In the background

Hikaru : That creature is the scariest thing ever!!

Hyuga : No Harry is the cutest thing ever!! and he has a name!!

Both : *argues*

Zoey : *still search her lost brain-*

Asta : *drinks tea*

Zane : *pat Asta*

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