Such a tease

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Valt : Ughh.... Ah?! Where am I?!?!

Shu : Dunno Valt... We are somehow put into this small box..

Lui : Dang it!! Hoya move your damn leg!!

Free : I can't, Shu is literally sitting on my legs

Shu : Valt is on top of me how am I supposed to move?!

Valt : I wanna get out of it!!! *Wriggles* I can't move at all!!

Lui : Shu take your hand off

Shu : Sorry.. *pulls his hand from Lui's thigh* *blushes*

Valt : Ahh... *Accidental moan*

Shu, Free, Lui : What was that Valty?

Valt : something rubbing against my.... Thing...

Shu : Lui your foot!

Lui : Crap, I don't feel my legs anymore.

Free : Baby sharks your quite heavy.. I feel like dying out of oxygen suddenly-

Lui : Of course I train a lot.

Shu : and Eat a lot.

Valt : I'm hungryyy!! QwQ

Free : I just want to get out of here already.

Shu : How did we get here in the first place?

Lui : Probably that stupid Zoey did something

(Zoey : NO!! I WASN'T!!! BLAME ASTA!!!)

Valt : Lui, Free why don't you guys do something?! You're strong anyway!! Break this thing!!

Free : I can't Valty... Lui is too heavy *Lui was on top of him facing Shu*

Lui : And I can't literally move an inch because Shu's lower half is on my stomach

Valt : I'm scared are we going to die here?!

Shu : No... Someone will save us... But Who's leg poking my butt-

Free : Sorry.. I was trying to get my legs

Lui : *valt's elbow was on Lui's crotch* Valty move your elbow

Valt : Huh? *Move it in the wrong direction* what's this?.. too hard...

Free : Lui you're getting turned on now?

Lui : Shut up idiot.

Shu : Seriously... Valty don't turn him on

Valt : I did nothing..??

Free : Ouch who kicked my stomach?

Valt : Oops- I was tryna move...

Lui : Okay, if Shu and Valt get off me, then I think I can break the box or whatever.

Valt : But how? There's no space.

Shu : Yeah.

Free : Why don't Valt scream out for help? You have such a loud voice anyway maybe someone can hear you and help us out?

Shu : Yeah, you can do that right Valty?

Lui : Let's try it out

Valt : Okay *inhales* AIGAAAAAAAAAA!!!! DANTEEE!!!!! HYUGAAAAA!!! HIKARUUUU!!!! SOMEONEEEE!!! HELP USS!!!!!!!!! *too loud*

Shu : My ears-

Free : I think I became deaf now- my ears are ringing-

Lui : Why we need to use gag on him at nights

People who get it : ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 🍋🍋🍋 Lui~ Naww~

Valt : *elbows Lui* Shut up! *Shy*

Lui : *smirks* heh~ *teasingly touches his butt*

Shu : Bish stop touching my butt I swear!

Lui : It's you Snowflakes? Where's Valty?

Valt : Free stop Lui!!

Free : Lui don't.

Shu : Crap I wanna get out...!

An hour later .......

Aiga : What's this box? *Opens it seeing the four in an awkward poses* You guys find another way to have fun...?

Shu : It's not like what you think.

Valt : *Gets out of the box* Finally!!!

Shu : *gets out after valt* Yeah

Lui : *gets out after Shu* Valty come here you little *pins valt on the wall*

Valt : Ahh!! Stop!! *Tries to leap away from Lui*

Lui : You have been such a tease, now let's go have the real fun.

Free : Let me in. I'm up.

Shu : *sighs* both of you stop scaring Valty

Valt : *in the verge of tears* SHUUUU!!

Lui : *teasing valt* Valty~

Free : You belongs to us~

Valt : SHUUUU!!!! *Was carried by Lui in the shoulder*

Shu : Don't worry Valty they won't do anything

Aiga : What in the world is happening here...?

Shu : No idea. *Throws that damn box away*

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