Mistaken fish

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Shu : Free, can I borrow the new volume of that manga you were reading?

Free : Sure, but Lui has borrowed it you can read it after he returns it.

Shu : I thought he isn't into this stuffs.

Free : Neither I was. Valt influenced me with a bl manga, though it was so good.

Shu : When we are kids Valt and I used to read manga together and we often do it in our sleepovers.

Lui : Speaking of it, you two didn't do It right?

Shu : Erhh..

Free : Why are you hesitating, Shu? Have you did it?

Shu : I-its.. not like what you think!

Lui : Beyond that?

Shu : No!

Free : Then? *Turns to Lui* I thought those two are virgins.

Lui : So are you, Mr. Highschooler.

Shu : Oi oi! Both of you listen! We didn't do anything like that, however....

Free, Lui : However what?

Shu : He's my first kiss. Though it was purely unintentional. More like it was an accident but we find it.. like feels weirdly good? *Trying not to sink into the ground, blushing*

Lui : And so you two did kiss often?

Shu : It's just only before we started dating. Don't make it sound weird.

Free : He kissed me when we were brats. *Points at Lui*

Lui : If I remember right, you tried to dominate me and we had a fist fight then it turns out to be a kiss. Nothing more nothing less.

Free : Yeah nothing more nothing less for a five year old.

Lui : You are only a year older don't act all cool!

Shu : Valt and I were better at least


Shu : *wince* Valt don't scream we can hear you alright.

Free : I'm used to it, it no longer bothers me

Lui : What did you brought this time?

Shu : The last time you brought a Sugar glider and it made a whole mess out of house!

Valt : I promise this cuties won't cause trouble!

Free : So what is this cuties are?

Valt : Hehe! You will be surprised! *Takes out a container*

Lui : Is it fish?

Valt : Yup!

Free, Shu, Lui : *peeks into the container curiously* (・_・;)・・・*sweatdrop*

Free, Shu, Lui : *peeks into the container curiously* (・_・;)・・・*sweatdrop*

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