Free is mad at me ;-;

552 24 39

Shui arc...

Shu : *doing his work, being the quiet bunny he is* *smashing the keyboard like a pro* And done.

Lui : *hugs Shu from behind* Time for cuddles~

Shu : I have an important meeting with the headquarters-

Lui : Screw it, what's important? Me or the stupid meeting?

Shu : obviously you.

Lui *smirks* My bunny~ *pulls him and chu*

Shu : *kiss back*

Now Shalt arc...

Valt : *eating shu's spaghetti peacefully* Shuu you make the best spaghetti ever!! I love it!

Shu : *lifts his chin* But you makes the best boyfriend ever~ *gives the goddamn handsome smile ever existed*

Valt : *blushes* Shu!! Staph teasing meh!!! *looks away pouting*

Shu : Valty valty~ I can't get enough of your beautiful face~ *slams his lips against Valt's*

Valt : Mhmp?! -//////-

Meanwhile Free interrogating Me ;-;

Free : Explain yourself *in a yandere voice*

Zoey : *tied up to a chair and put under spotlight* I was busy simping over Todo-

Free : *sharpens his knife* What?

Zoey : Ah- I mean.. blame Shu!!!

Shu : What did I do?!?!

Zoey : Because you're both top and bottom material!!!


Valt : Wait wait hold on!! What is free so mad about?

Lui : Its the admin's recent addiction to Shui and Shalt.

Valt : Ehh? So what?

Lui : Probably because She didn't write any ship book about him.

Free : Where is Fralt, Frui, Shree books you nitwit?

Zoey : *mumbling incoherent words at a sonic speed*

Free : Say again? *walks over to the tied up girl*

Zoey : Ehh!! I'm so sorry!!!

Shu : Well hold on!

Zoey : phew save me mommy!! *ugly sobbing*

Valt : *checks the drafts in this account* Oh my there's no free relating ships it's filled with demon shu x prince me, vampire me x Shu, Amnesia shui, time travelling Shui.

Lui : I understand Free's pain. Like in start there's not even a single story related with me in her drafts.

Free : Make it fast Shu.

Shu : *acting as my lawyer* So, you see my client is having mental issues that changes her ship moods real quick just over an night. *continues his points to the judge Free*

Free : But that doesn't mean she can't write a single fralt book.

Zoey : Thats not true your honor! Please don't sentence me to death!!

Lui : *the free's lawyer* Miss Zoey alcazaba, I would like to ask a few questions from you.

Zoey : yes sir.

Lui : So, according to what your lawyer as said, you have ship moods, then how can you simp over other anime guys?

Zoey : Thats.. they're handsome of course.

Shu : Ahem, Lui you can't ask my client something like that, your honor I can't let that shark proceed his cross questioning.

Free : Let him do his work, Shu.

Shu : But-

Lui : How is it can be possible that you can simp over other guys while not make one fanfic for my client?

Zoey : I... well.. um..

Lui : See, your honor, she is stumbling with words. This is an enough proof she's lying over her crime. The culprit is her.

Shu : I can't accept it as a solid proof, Shirosagi. *argues his point to lui*

Free : Silence! So, Any last wish miss Zoey?

Zoey : Yes!!! *lists a millions of things*

An eternity later....

Zoey : And I want some cream bun! A new comfortable bed with body pillow of todoroki! And a time machine to travel to the future and I want a big collections of romance manga and *continues....*

Shu, Lui : *sips their tea* Is there even an end to this?

Valt : *fall asleep* zzz...zzz..

Free : ENOUGH!

Zoey : O-ok!?!

Free : I sentence you to house arrest for the rest of your life till you make a Fralt, Frui, Shree book. This is my final order. The court dismiss.


Shu : we lose this case because of you. I never had a worst client as you. Miss Zoey.

Lui : At last I won the case. Free where's the fees?

Free : *gives him, his fees* Valty let's go.

Valt : Huh? What happened?

Free : She got arrested for her crime. Now forgot her. Let's get you outta here. Oi you two coming or what?

Shui : Yes.

The guards : *dragging Zoey to her house locking her inside* do your work!

Zoey : *lays on the bed* Ugh. Fine... *secretly watches anime in the name of writing fics*

The sad reality ;-; lol my new addiction to Shui and Shalt makes it hard like one time shu is a cute bottom and another time he is a handsome top... *sighs* when life gives you lemon don't waste it on other people's eyes just make a lemonade and drink it uwu it's tasty tho.

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