Small play gone wrong... XD

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The living room was darkened and there's a big tent in the middle of the room, With decorating lights around.

Valt : Welcome to my hypno therapy world, You humans~

Shu : Oh well who gonna clean this mess after you done playing valty?

Valt : Ah! Shu don't ruin the mood!! *pouts*

Shu : Alright fine.

Valt : Hm! Now come on sit down in front of this Crystal ball.

Free : Is that Zoey's crystal ball?

Valt : Yesh! I borrowed from her, now now let me foresee your future.

Lui : I don't believe in this stuffs.

Valt : Oh no!!

Shu : What's wrong?!

Valt : Its says that Lui will get bad luck

Lui : I don't care.

Free : Bad luck, don't see black cat and mirror, Sharkie.

Shu : Black cat? Oh I remember that Daigo told me take of his cat because he have to take care his brother.

The black cat : Meow~ *purs* meow~

Lui : I have cat allergy- Achoo!! Achoo!! Shoo sho!

The black cat : *scratches lui's face* meow! *walks away*

Lui : ........... it's just that cat is jealous of my handsome face.

Valt : You are on bad luck today Lui be careful.

Shu and Free : Oof poor sharkie.

Lui : Shut up I still don't believe in this lame stuffs.

Valt : Ahh!!!

Lui, Shu, Free : What now?!!

Valt : Lui I'm sorry for you... you're too bad luck...

Lui : What's wrong?

Shu and Free : Hm?

Valt : Zoey is working on a Fralt, shalt book.....

Lui : .........

Shu and Free : Oh really!!! That's awesome!! Good luck!


Valt : No don't, today's your bad luck day..

Lui : *slams his hand on the table* Tell me what to do to get rid of this bad luck?!

Valt : *hands him good luck charm* take this, your bad luck will leave you.

Lui : okay. *was about to take it*

Valt : Ahem. You gotta pay for that item sir, $10

Lui : for the sake of lualt, here *hands him his money and buys the lucky charm* it will work right?

Valt : Yes of course sir. Here look at yourself, There's a lualt book magically appeared now.

Lui : Thats worth it. Alright I'm relieved now.

Shu and Free : *sweat drops at Lui* Someone said they don't believe in this stuffs?

Lui : Well I did it for the sake of lualt shippers.

Shu and Free : I see *doesn't believe him one bit*

Valt : Alright I'm gonna hypnotize you, sir. *points at Free*

Free : Hm?

Valt : From this I'll make you sleep-

Free : thanks but no thanks. I can sleep naturally. *falls asleep*

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