Wait, Wut?!

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Lui, enters the living room after an intense training session : *see the Shree having a moment of silence as if they were communicating without words* Hey

Shu : *a straight face* What?

Lui : Why you gotta look so mean? *Sat between Free and Shu*

Shu : Why you even looking at me?

Lui : *rolls his eyes with a groan* *turns to Free* You're awfully quiet aren't you?

Free : You want me to bark or something?

Lui : These two.. *twitching his eyebrow*

They all hear Valt's voice from the hallway...talking with someone?

Lui : Do we have a guest in the house?

Free : No.

Shu : That voice is oddly familiar or is it me imagining things?

Lui : That brat, how dare he talk with another man?! *Kinda the possessive type*

Free : *press his finger on Lui's mouth* Shush. *Listens to the conversation*

Valt : Ehh? Really that's so cool!

Le someone : I.. I don't think so. I'm not all that great you know.

Shu : Doesn't seem like threat.

Lui : It's still earlier to decide that. Who knows he could be deceiving Valt with that acting of his.

Valt : Wahh! You're such a nice person! I love you soo much!!! *Hugs them*

Mr. Unknown : V-valt stop it, someone gonna get the wrong idea..!

Valt : Hehe don't worry! There's no one here! Your eyes they're so beautiful.

Mr. Unknown : I-is that so?

Valt : Neh, can you take it off? I wanna see you~


Shu : T..take off what?! Is that really Valt saying such unholy words?!

Free : Who the heck is that guy!? *Stands up, completely frustrated*

Lui : Flirting and hooking up with another man, that little runt sure asks for a lesson 💢

Valt : Haha that tickles~  you reminds me of a certain someone.

Him : Really? Who is that person, if I may ask?

Valt : My boyfriend Lui

Him : Oh, we do look alike afterall..maybe?

Shu : Do you by any chance have a long lost twin brother or something?

Lui : No, absolutely not.

Free : I can't stand still and let it happen.

Valt : Ahaha heyy stop itt~

Him : Do.. you perhaps like it when I touch you here?

Shu : *kicks the door open* 💢 Oi oi oi, who the hell do you think you are?

Lui and Free : *with a murderous glare* You have got some damn nerve to come here all the way, flirting with our boy?

That person : *his back was facing the trio, he also wears a dark hoodie* ....

Valt : *sweat drop* Uhm.. please wait and let me explai-

Lui : We had heard enough.

Valt : N-no! You got it all wrong!

Blader's crazy adventures and RandomnessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora