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If they're to get a shot...

Valt :

Panics the living daylight out of his soul. Screams too loudly trying to get out of that hellish nightmare. Get his boyfriends hold him still and get the shot. In the end, cries adorably because of the fear and pain itself.

Poor baby boi I feel you >:'(

Shu :

Sits like a good boy and gets his shot. Slightly wince at the pain but otherwise stays calm and even thank the nurse/doctor for their time.

Something I will never in a million years do-

Lui :

Doesn't give a budge. Sits and stays cool. Even smirks (at rare cases laugh) even when the sharp needle pierce through his skin. He doesn't even care if they rip out his arm.

Damn bro I wish I was like you ಥ‿ಥ

Free :

Was sleeping when the needle pierce through his skin. Wakes up and looks at the nurse with his dark eyes. The nurse apologies for disturbing his sleep. He says it's fine but actually isn't. Gets out of the room and goes back to his forest and sleep again.

Huh- I would be having a panic attack if I was about to get the shot..


Dang it, I wanna die in a hole of embarrassment. I get vaccinated today and guess I get another content for overthinking and gonna ruin my good night's sleep.

*Head bangs on the wall* Dieeeee!!!!!

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