Blue sparks 0.1

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A/n : It was a rushed one so it doesn't take more half an hour, sorry for not meeting your expectations :')

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A/n : It was a rushed one so it doesn't take more half an hour, sorry for not meeting your expectations :')

Details :

Hayato (7) - The sky blue haired one

Toma (7) - The yellow haired one

Izumi (6) - The dark blue haired one

Hayato and Toma are twins with two different biological fathers, based on their appearance you can say it's Lui and Free. Although I had previously thought of making the three, triplets but it came off with complications in an unreasonable way.

Hayato is an extrovert, who loves to break people's bones for fun (That's one of his father's gene lol) and Absol-fucking-utely loves to bully his younger half sibling Izumi. He's extremely narcissistic and has a way too much pride to let his spotlight drift to someone else. As much as annoying he can be, he's really an hard working kid like his father. He hates his omega dad and often neglects Valt.

For Toma's case, he could be an omnivert, unlike his twin brother he prefers solitude and has a complete opposite ideals, causing a friction in their sibling relationship. He doesn't necessarily bully Izumi but associates with Hayato at times for their mismatched personality. Even though he seems unreliable but he is a reliable person in most of the worst case of scenarios.

Izumi, with no doubt, an introverted shy, soft boy. Due to his unhealthy relationship with his older brother, he tends to have low self esteem for not feeling good enough. He had been diagnosed with asperger's syndrome at the age of four, a mild form of autism. Since he couldn't live independently in his social surroundings which causes stress within the family, although his brothers overlooked it and bully him for mistakenly assumes being weak. Valt is extremely overprotective of Izumi and almost snaps at anyone that pose a threat to his child. His overprotectiveness often irritates Hayato and made him hate his omega dad.

Well, I guess I covered the details for you to get an image of their family now. If you have any questions just fire away, I'll try my best to clear it.

I'll make side chapters for Blue Sparks from time to time, should I make a separate book for it so it will be easy for you guys to catch up with, what do you think of it? Lemme know in the comments!

Shu : Why are you doing this to my Valty and Izumi, you don't wanna kiss death with this mighty axe of mine, now do you? *Red eye mode on*

Zoey : For the sake of plot, I did I'm sorry, your highness, please spare this lowly peasant's life!

Free : I feel bad for Izumi, he shouldn't deserve this loads of crap.

Lui : Someone has to discipline that spoiled brat *refering to Hayato*

Zoey : I'm sorry but it's not my responsibility to discipline your brat, Mr. Mediocre Elite.

Valt : *his long bangs covers his eyes, shoulders trembling with rage and disappointment, a sadness flashed through his beautiful hazel eyes*! How can you do this to my son?!

Zoey : No one told me Mommy valt can be scary- shit. Lemme explain-

Valt : I hate youu! *Storms off to the other room where his kids are*

Free : Well, you did mention it there. See that line, Valt is extremely overprotective of Izumi and almost snaps at anyone that pose a threat to his child.

Zoey : Gods. Shu go comfort your wifey!

Shu : Of course I'm going to. Don't act as if you care.

Zoey : What's with that tone?! I'm totally helpless! I didn't made that thing to your son okay?!

*The door shut close with a loud thud*

Zoey : *scratches her neck* Man I should just jump into AoT world and let myself be eaten by a Titan.

Lui : Why bother the inconvenience of traveling there? I can make a slow painful death for you.

Zoey : Oh god, please I was just saying! Who wanna get killed gruesomely?!

Free : I'm gonna go meet the kids

Lui : Count me in.

With the kids...

Free : *opens the door, entering the kid friendly daycare room* Hello

Lui : What kind of a hellscape is this? So fucking cringe *looks at the pastel themed decorations with soft, cuddly plushies and other soft materials*

A/n : Omega Valt decorated the room when he was five months pregnant with the twins

Free : It's beautiful.

Lui : I'd prefer a much darker theme.

Shu : That's suits better for a demon like you.

Hayato : Hey dad!

(A/n : Even though they're not biologically connected, the kids calls them all dad.)

Shu : Yes?

Hayato : Make me dinner, I'm hungry.

Free : Why don't we order pizza?

Toma : What's that dad?

Free : *clenched his robes, still not used to the term dad* A traingle slice in a shape of circle inside a square box.

Lui : They probably don't know about our world's junk.

Hayato : Is that something tasty?

Shu : How about we order one *ruffle's his head with a soft smile*

Hayato : *pushes his hand away* Don't do that I'm not a brat, it's annoying.

Free : But you are a brat.

Hayato : You wanna pick a fight with me, Dad?! *Shows his fists* I'll prove you!

Toma : *totally not interested in that conversation anymore, looks away from them* Hm? *Notices Valt and Izumi at the other side of the room*

Valt : What are you drawing honey?

Izumi : ..... *drawing a cat with dark stripes*

Valt : Is that a racoon dog?

Izumi : ........ Neko san *intently focused on the drawing*

Valt : Oh! Neko san looks kawaii!

Toma : It's doesn't look like a cat at all

Valt : But your brother seems to love neko san, look at it, it's beautiful right?

Toma : No

Valt : C'mon, Toma chan don't say that now. *Hugs Izumi and snuggles him softly* Izumi is gonna be a great artist!

Izumi : ...... Hmmm!? *Tries to push his way of out the hold* *grabs his piece of art and moves to the other side and peacefully continuing his drawing*

Valt : *blinks in confusion* Did I say something wrong?

Toma : He doesn't like hugs.

Valt : *sad, distant look* Neh, what do you think about your brother?

Toma : *looks at Izumi* Weird.

Valt : How about we spend some time together and you will like Izumi too! Right?

Toma : I'm not sure dad.

Valt : Don't worry about it, leave it to me! Hey Shuu! Let's go for a picnic!

Shu : At this hour?

Free : It's pretty much peaceful than the day. Let's go to the forest, I know the perfect spot.

Lui : Pizza picnic in the forest at a night?

Hayato : Cool! Hurry up! Let's goo!

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