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Valt : Guys guys guys!!!!!!!

Lui : hm? *reading his favourite book*

Free : *wakes up* What valty? You finally decided to get marry to me?

Lui : *throws it at Free* In your dreams!

Free : Ouch, it's rude to throw stuffs at your elders you know that right Lui? Learn some manners.

Lui (???) : Why don't you teach me some~

Shu and Valt : What- Is that even Lui?!?!

Lui : Hey that's not even me!! I didn't say that!!!

Free : But it's your voice sharkie. Don't try to fool me.

Aiga : Hahahahahaha!

Valt, Shu, Lui, Free : ?? *looks up at the vent* huh?

Aiga : You guys are hopeless love sick guys. How funny.

Lui : Excuse me?

Free : What are you up to this time?

Shu : Aiga where's Fubuki?

Valt : wait you're the one who talk like Lui earlier?

Aiga : Woah too many questions. Firstly I'm bored so I decide to play here! Secondly Fubuki is too busy with that school shit thirdly and yes I did with this~

Shu : voice recorder?

Valt : Cool!!

Free : I know you're bored because your boyfriend is busy and you decided to mess with us, I suggest you to burn that school so your boyfriend will get more time with you, Because we certainly don't want a third wheel interrupting our personal life.

Lui : *feels attracted to Free* *thinks : Woah never see him like this- wait what am I even thinking* ahem, Yeah what he says. Besides if you need help with burning that damn school you can always ask me, I would love to burn that place.

Shu : Why you guys... want to kill those innocent students? *being a teacher himself* A teacher's job is to make sure he makes his student have a bright future ahead, so don't trash talk them. You don't know how teachers really work hard to teach everyone in his class to understand the chapter, lesson and prepare them for test.

Valt : *impressed* Shuuu you're amazing! I love the way you see things!

Lui : alright here do this maths homework, Valty.

Valt : 😱 Nani!!!!!!!?!??!!!?!! Let's burn down the school!

Shu : .... no valty don't take that path.

Free : Hey hey hey! Shall we change the topic? I'm getting bored, let's get to our business~

Aiga : You guys are boring. *walks out*

Valt : I forgot why I come here!! Hey I sneak Zoey's room today!

Shu : You sneaky spy! That's really bad you know!

Valt : I mean! I went there to give her tea!! There I saw something which makes me shocked..

Lui : Did she make out with her hubbies?

Free : Nah I don't think she have that courage to do so.

Valt : what are you guys even talking about?

Shu : Nothing! first things first, Now continue what you're saying.

Valt : Okay, Where did I stop? Hm! I saw something! It's its its.... Ahhh!!! I don't wanna say to you guys because you three will overreact 😳

Lui : Just say it already.

Free : Yeah I'm curious~

Shu : Yeah same here.

Valt : *sigh* I'm not sure whether it's really real or not

Lui : Doesn't matter, now spill everything.

Valt : alright come closer!

Shu, Lui, Free : Okay.

Valt : *Whispers to them*

The trio : What?!!!

Valt : Don't overreact!

Shu : So that's what it is huh?

Valt : *nod*

Lui : I'm literally okay with it.

Free : As long as you're with us~

Valt : 😶 but hope anything bad will not happen. Now pretend like you guys don't know anything about it okay?

The trio : sure *thumbs up*

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