Chapter 40 Laying Low

Start from the beginning

Sae: You know what I mean, don't you? This Calling card was delivered to your latest target, the one you had decided would prove your innocence. It was addressed to "Sae Niijima". Myself. Now explain everything to me...


Currently, Nhazul is walking through the walkway outside getting ready to buy lunch, but he then ran into Kasumi.

Kasumi: Ah, Nhazul Senpai, so nice to see you!

Nhazul: Hey, Akame. How've you been?

Kasumi: I've been quite well. Are you also about to eat lunch, Nhazul Senpai?

Nhazul: That I am.

Kasumi: If it's alright with you, would you mind eating together?

Nhazul: By all means.

Maruki: Ah, how nice to see you two together.

The two of them looked back and saw Maruki walking up.

Nhazul: Yo, snack man.

Kasumi: Oh, would you like to join us for lunch, Dr. Maruki? We were just discussing eating together.

Maruki: Are you sure? Well, maybe I will tag along, then.

The three of them then sat on the bench and at ate lunch together and Maruki looked at how big Kasumi's bento was.

Maruki: Ummm, is that your lunch, Kasumi?

Nhazul: We'll, she is a growing girl.

Maruki: That doesn't really...

Kasumi: I have to eat this much to stay active! I always burn through everything I eat! From my point of view, it's your two lunches that are the issue here. If you strengthen your body, you have to eat right. You should really work on your diets.

Maruki: Touché.

Nhazul: To be fair, I usually eat four of these breads, but they were out...

Maruki: You seem to be giving off s different vibe lately.

Kasumi: Yes! I was able to put my problems in the past and move on!

Maruki: Ah, so that's what it is. You don't seem to be overexerting yourself, either.

Kasumi: I'm sorry I'd worried you.

Maruki: Oh, not at all. It's wonderful to hear you've been. I must admit, I'm a bit surprised. If you don't mind me asking, was there some kind of reason for this breakthrough?

Kasumi:'s all thanks to Nhazul Senpai and his acquaintances. I suppose you could say they gave me a reason to rethink things or more like a reason to stand up to my problems. Isn't that right, Nhazul Senpai?

Nhazul: Yup.

Maruki: Stand up to your problems, eh? You've grown to be very strong, Kasumi.

Kasumi: I'm totally over it now! Sorry for talking so much. Why don't we focus on our lunches? Thanks for the food!


It's the next week and Nhazul, Akira, Ann and Ryuji were walking down the hall and they saw a poster for the culture festival was coming up.

Akira: Culture festival?

Ryuji: Next week already...And it weird it's on weekdays?

Ann: The media won't pay as much attention that way, right?

Ryuji: Yeah, I guess.

To meet up around the school without being suspicious, Makoto had everyone help out with the festival in the student council room, and they were all going through the ballots on who the students wanted to show up and it was all "Goro Akechi".

Ann: Another one for Akechi.

Haru: Most of these are for him too.

Makoto looked over and saw Nhazul next to her playing a game on his phone and she gave him a annoyed look.

Makoto: Think you can help us, instead of playing the game?

Nhazul: One, I went through two of the box's and they were all for Marlin, and two, I'm trying to be your high score.

Makoto: Your not beating my high score-

Nhazul: I just beat your high score.

Makoto: What?!

After another hour of going through ballots, they were done.

Haru: The totals are in. And we have a result.

Nhazul: And surprise, surprise. It's Akechi.

Makoto: For the culture festival's special guest, first place is Goro Akechi.

Ryuji: Normally, it'd be some singer or idol!

Ann: "Do something about the Phantom Thieves already". "We can't count on the cops, so this is a job for a great detective".

Makoto: Everyone's been anxious since that school wide investigation.

Ryuji: But still, Akechi of all people? What are we gonna do?

Ann: Wouldn't that put us at risk?

Haru: What should we do?

Morgana: Makoto.

Makoto: It'd be best to avoid inviting such a clear danger upon ourselves....


Currently, everyone is up in Nhazul and Akira's room to have a discussion on what to do about Akechi, and while they were waiting for Nhazul, Futaba and Ryuji were having an argument.

Ryuji: No way! He wouldn't do that.

Futaba: Yes he would, he would do it!

Morgana: What are you two arguing about?

Futaba: Ryuji thinks Nhazul wouldn't catch me if I jumped at him, while he's holding food.

Ryuji: No way, you know how serious Nhazul is with his food. He nearly ripped my and Akira's arms off for the last jelly filled bread at school!

Akira: A mistake I will never make again...

Futaba: He'll catch me for sure! I'm more important to him then some food!

Ryuji: No way, he'll let you fall on your butt.

Suddenly, Nhazul started to walk up the stairs, eating a donut.

Futaba: Watch and learn, chump. Nhazul! I'm coming in!

Nhazul: Huh?

Futaba then started to run at Nhazul.

Nhazul: What are you doing?

Futaba: Heads up!

Futaba then jumped at Nhazul.

Nhazul: Futaba, wait I'm holding-

On instinct, Nhazul dropped his donut and caught Futaba.

Futaba: See! I knew he'd catch me!

Ryuji: What the hell!

Futaba then hugged Nhazul.

Futaba: Told you I was more important then food!

Nhazul: ...;-;...My donut...

As Futaba continued to hug Nhazul, Ann, Makoto and Haru all had jealous looks on their faces.

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