August 11, 1987. Tuesday

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As the months passed Phil and I grew especially close. I started to stay at his house for a week or two at a time. Neither of us discussed what we are though. It was starting to get on my nerves.
The girls and I signed with R&R Studios. We've started fixing our newer songs that were supposed to be on our last album.
I walked into my apartment to see Vic and Mad sitting in the living room.
“Hey,” I said as I grabbed a snack from the kitchen.
“Long time no see,” Mad responded.
“Yeah, sorry about that.”
I started to walk towards my room but Mad stopped me.
“You're leaving again, aren't you?”
“Is that okay? I really don't think I need to explain why or where I'm going.”
Mad sighed a little, “I don't care. Just wondering.”
I nodded and went to my room to pack a bag.
“Bye Mad. Bye Vic.”
“Bye,” Mad responded.
Vic just waved her hand.
“I'm back,” Phil hoped up from the couch we found at a thrift store.
“I missed ya,” he came over and kissed my head.
“The guys called a minute ago. They need me at the studio. We have a rehearsal or something apparently.”
“Oh, okay. Do you know when you'll be home?”
“No, sorry babe.”
“It's fine. Well, uh, I guess I'll see you later.”
“I'll be back as soon as possible. Promise.”
He kissed me then ran out of the door.
I cleaned the house a bit but soon got bored.
I flipped through the few television channels we had but didn't find anything worth watching.
I checked the fridge and noticed we didn't have anything to cook.
I got into the car and drove to the store.
The girls and I got some extra money when we signed with the studio. It wasn't too much, just enough to have a little pocket cash.
I decided I would buy ingredients for spaghetti and invite everyone over. I bought the noodles, canned sauce, meat, frozen garlic bread, a cake, and a cheap bottle of wine.
I went home and called the apartment.
“Hey, I'm gonna cook dinner. Wanna come over at, um, around nine-ish?”
“Wanna go eat at Phil's, Katie's cooking?” Vic asked Mad.
“Yeah, we'll be there.”
“Alright, see you later.”
I hung up the phone then called the studio.
Vinnie picked up the phone, “Hello?”
“Hey, Vin, it's Katie. I was wondering if y'all would want to come by Phil's and eat dinner? I decided I'd cook spaghetti.”
“Hell yeah. I love a good dinner. I think we'll be out of here shortly.”
“See ya later, Vin.”
“See ya.”
I cooked the whole dinner with only slightly burning the bread.
I sat the table on the rickety back deck.
Once everyone arrived we had a nice dinner.
“I think its time we do a toast,” Phil spoke.
I poured the girls and I some wine in the plastic cups we had while the guys had their beers.
“To us. The friendship, the music, and the good times. Cheers!”
We all clanked our beverages together.
Phil put his hand on my thigh and smiled at me.
I loved being with him. He made me the happiest I had been in months.
Something wasn't right though. I couldn't stand not being completely his. We needed an understanding.
After everyone left Phil (surprisingly) helped me clean up.
We barely managed to squeeze onto the small couch in the living room.
He laid behind me and played with my hair.
“I've been thinking.”
“And I think we need to talk about some stuff.”
He sat up which also made me sit up.
“What do we need to talk about?”
“You know, we've been together a while. But, are we really together. We stay together and act like a couple. But are we a couple?”
He sat there in silence and scratched his head.
“Uh, I don't know. Haven't really thought about putting labels on it.”
“So you don't know if you want me?”
“Well. It's not that. I want you.”
“Its just you don't want any hard feelings. No strings.”
I began to stand up.
“Well, Phil.”
“Wait. Katie. Wait. I just, uh, wasn't sure what you wanted. And I uh, didn't want to rush anything, ya know? You're making it clear now though.”
“Making what clear?”
“That you want, uh, a real relationship. I'm ready for that.”
“You are?”
“I am.”
. . .
“So, does that mean you're mine?”
“Yes, Phil. I'm yours.”

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