August 20, 1984. Monday

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Mad and I got Victoria into the band. It only took a few hours of playing, talking, and two beers. We also got Victoria to agree to come to school, so we had more time to work on the band.
Mad somehow talked me into being the singer.
Victoria skipped her second block class to hang out with us behind the lunchroom. She had let her guard down some but there was still a barrier that needed to be broken.
“Darrell,” I ran up to him. “We got our band.”
“That's cool dude, who's the singer?”
Mad placed a hand on my shoulder, “You're looking at her,” she said.
“Seriously, you can sing?”
“I guess so,” I said with a chuckle.
“Then sing some Kiss.”
“I can't spoil the surprise. You'll have to see us all play together.”
“Do y'all have a name or any songs?”
“Katie likes Velum but Victoria likes The Desindents.”
“I know how to solve this. Do any of you have a coin?”
Mad pulled a dime out of her purse.
“Heads is Velum, tails is The Desindents.” He tossed the coin then placed it on his hand. He peaked at it then smiled at us.
Victoria busted out, “Stop messing around and just tell us!”
“Velum, I think it's a good name.”
“Shit,” Victoria mumbled.
“So what about songs?”
“We're a cover band. None of us are really good at writing lyrics and stuff you know?” I said.
“When can I hear y'all play?”
“This weekend at my house. Tell the guys and bring beer,” Mad responded.
“Sounds like a plan.”
“I've gotta go,” I added.
Darrell gave us a salute, and we walked back to class.

Far Beyond BrokenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz