January 16, 1987. Friday

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I pushed through the people to get to the stage. I felt horrible for being late. The guys were always early for our gigs if they could make it.
Rex noticed me and nodded, I waved back.
Phil let out one of his high-pitched notes. Even after knowing what his vocals could do it was shocking.
I saw Mad and Vic from the side of the backstage. I would've been back there with them if I wouldn't have overslept.
I forgot what it felt like to be in the crowd.
A few girls grabbed at Phil when he got to close to the edge. It didn't seem to phase him.
I made my way to the backstage when the show ended.
“You guys did great! Phil, you killed it out there,” I said as I gave him a fist bump.
“I haven't had that much fun playing in a long time,” Darrell said as he cracked open a beer.
“Me either, that was fucking amazing!” Phil shot back.
“Just wait, next week when we play in Muenster it'll be even better. The club we're playing in there can fit more people,” Vinnie stated.
I wanted to talk to Vic and Mad but I could tell they were mad.
They tried to wake me up, so we could get here early but I wouldn't budge.
“Shit, what day do y'all play in Muenster?”
Vinnie replied to me, “Saturday, why?”
“We have a gig at Savy's at ten.”
“Damn, we'll just have a party back at our place then. You could make that right?”
“Sorry we won't be able to come,” Vic said.
“It's cool,” Darrell responded.
We passed around a blunt and drank. It was the normal after party for us. Unless we were actually partying at the Abbott's house or at a random house.
One of Darrell's old friend's invited us to a party one night. Most of us got so shit faced that we ended up in different locations. I woke up on the couch in Darrell's friend's house. I didn't remember that at the time though. Mad hooked up with a random guy at his place. Vic was in Darrell's garage. Rex was in his truck parked in front of the house we partied in. The two brothers were sound asleep in their bedrooms. I vividly remembered waking up and freaking out. I ran around the house looking for the phone and woke the owner up. I called my apartment hoping someone would be there but of course no one was. Eventually, I calmed down and realized Rex was still here. I had a hangover from hell, it was the worst I had ever had.
Mad knocked me on my shoulder and out of my thoughts.
“We're leaving. You gonna be home soon?”
“Yeah, I'm right behind you.”
I gave the guys a hug.
“You did great out there. I hope you stick around.”
I smiled at him and walked to Mad's old car.

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