January 26, 1987. Monday

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Mad and I sat around the studio strumming some random tunes while we waited for Vic.
Suddenly she came storming into the room and tossed her bag down.
“Let's scrap the album.”
Mad and I looked at each other, “What?”
“If you hate it so much let's get rid of it. Start again.”
“I don't know if we have the time or money to do that Vic,” Mad stated.
“Fine with me then. I don't give a shit.” Vic plopped down on the floor, against a wall.
“We can talk to Jerry. I'm sure he'll work something out with us,” I said.
Mad just nodded along.
His office door was wide open. I knocked just to be polite.
Jerry looked up and a smile grew on his face.
“Come on in, what can I do for all you fine ladies?”
“We have a big request,” I said with a wide nervous smile.
“And that would be?”
“The girls and I have come to an agreement that we don't like the music we've written for this album. So we were wondering if we could have a little more time to come up with some new stuff or something. I can figure something out with money, we'll get you paid I promise.”
“Well, uh. What if y'all just played those songs again, we could re-record it.”
I looked to Vic and Mad. Blank expressions were on their faces.
“It's not that we don't like how we played them.” In reality the playing was about three percent of the problem.
“The songs are just bad. We don't want our first album to be horrible.”
“Huh. I don't think I can give y'all enough time to re-write twelve songs, record, and edit them all in time. So what about we record some of your old songs and put it on the album. Or we could cut the twelve songs into six.”
I looked back at the girls, “What will it be?”
After thinking for a moment Mad just shrugged her shoulders.
“Let's just do old songs. It'll be quicker and easier,” Vic blurted out.
I looked back to Jerry, “Old songs it is.”

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