February 28, 1987. Saturday

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I felt a tap on my shoulder as I reached for the car handle.
“Don't go home yet. Follow us,” Darrell stated.
“Um, okay. Whe-”
“Don't ask questions just come on.”
With that being said him and the guys got into two separate vehicles.
I got into our little car and we were off.
We drove for about 15 minutes down a secluded road in the woods. Luckily we took the newer car, or we wouldn't have been able to see while driving. Our old car didn't have working headlights and there were no streetlights.
I started to see a light and hear loads of noise as the gravel slowly started fading away beneath us.
We pulled up to a house that overlooked a lake.
Cars were parked anywhere they could fit.
The lake had a small dock.
Trees conquered every inch of the surrounding area.
The girls and I hopped out of the car and ran up to Darrell.
“Where the hell are we?” I asked.
“We couldn't actually celebrate your release day without a real party,” he playfully bumped my shoulder.
“Well that still doesn't explain where I'm at.”
“Chill, this is my friend Jason's place. You're in good hands.”
“Whatever you say man.”
We followed the guys into the house.
It was a moderate size home.
Wooden steps took you to a wooden porch with a swing in the corner.
The first room you entered was the living room. It was an open concept house.
The small dining room was to the left of the living room. The kitchen had one wall up separating it from the living room. There was an open place in the wall where a bar was with some stools underneath.
A sliding glass door was visible right across from the front door. The glass door looked like it lead to a deck.
A few other doors were scattered about which I assumed were bedrooms or bathrooms.
People made their way around, congratulating me on our accomplishment. Getting to meet all of these new people that enjoyed my music felt amazing. To think that I could have passed the opportunity up to be part of this band was crazy.
A large stereo system was set up on the porch playing Johnny Cash.
I took a beer from the cooler and walked to the dock.
There were two people making out. As I went to walk away they got up and went towards the group of cars close by.
I sat at the edge of the wooden structure. I took my shoes off and dipped my feet into the cool dark water.
The reflection of the lights from the house shined onto the water.
A slight movement caused me to jump and hurl my head backwards.
“What the shit Phil! You scared me to death.”
He chuckled, “My bad. Why are you sittin' here by yourself?”
“I like the water, I wanted to sit here for a bit.”
“Mind if I join ya?”
“Take seat.”
I guess he wasn't sure how to sit, first he tried to sit Indian style but his legs were too long or it must have felt uncomfortable. Then he bent his legs and draped his arms over his knees.
We sat in a comfortable silence enjoying each other's presence and the view.
Something brushed up against my foot and I jumped.
“Woah there,” he placed a hand on my shoulder.
I snatched my feet from the water and placed them on the end of the boards.
“I think something touched my foot.”
“That's why you don't put your feet in random bodies of water.”
“Shut up smart-ass.”
A hand went over his heart and his mouth dropped open.
“Me, a smart-ass? Why in the world would you think that?”
I rolled my eyes at his dramaticness.
He lit a cig, took a puff, then passed it to me.
I nodded in thanks before taking it.
All the excitement of the day made me stop stressing about the kiss we shared.
Until I put that cigarette between my lips and sucked in the poison. The taste of his lips filled the area of my lips, the nicotine was a small portion of the poison.
I pulled the cigarette out from my lips and slowly exhaled the smoke into the chilly night. The cigarette stayed between my fingers for a moment before I passed it back to Phil.
I watched as his lips harshly pressed against the gentle filter and sucked in the fumes.
Something about him had me hooked.
“Need somethin'?”
Shit, he caught me staring.
“No, my bad,” a nervous chuckle exited my mouth.
“I know what it is.”
“You do?”
“I haven't said anything to you about your album.”
“It's fuckin' great. You guys killed it for the first time. I think it'll sell out.”
“Hell yes!” He paused for a moment. “I could say some more stuff but, I'm not a very sentimental guy.”
We laughed for a second.
I patted him on the back, “I appreciate what you said.”
He looked me for a moment then began to lean in.
As our faces were inches away I abruptly leaned back.
“What, did I do something wrong?” he asked.
“No, it's just that. Uh, I-”
Phil placed a hand on my leg.
“Katie. You're fine, just talk to me.”
“I just don't know what any of this means. You kissed me that night in the garage and almost now. I-uh-just don't want to be treated like all the other whores you probably get with. I'm not a piece of meat. Do you understand what I mean?.”
He let out a small laugh, “I get it I think. I'm not messing around with anyone else.”
I nodded.
We sat there for a bit before he broke the quiet.
“I'm gonna go in, you coming?”
“Yeah.” I slid my shoes on.
Phil through me over his shoulder and ran to the house.
“Let me down! You're gonna drop me!”
I beat my fist against his shoulder but all I got out of him was a laugh.

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