March 7, 1987. Saturday

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I said my goodbyes to the people in front of me.
The guys and a bunch of other random people were in the back ready to party.
Phil was stuck in my mind, I had to see him.
I made an excuse to go outside, which Darrell questioned since it was raining.
Ignoring his questions, I made my way to the exit.
I pushed open the door and ran to the front of the building to see if I would notice his car.
The flood of people were making their way out, it was hard to see anything. Especially with the rain gaining force and falling harder and quicker.
“Shit,” I mumbled. I kicked at the ground and made my way back to the door.
“You missin' something'?”
There he was.
“What're you doing back here?”
“I wanted a smoke and I didn't wanna be up there with all of those people, so I came back here. Then it started pourin'.”
“Come in then.”
“Nah, I don't wanna see Darrell or them.”
“Come to my car.”
We ran through water and hoped into his Volkswagen Rabbit.
“You were really good tonight Katie.”
“I know right.”
He scoffed and nudged my shoulder.
“I wouldn't be surprised if y'all got signed soon.”
“Oh god. Don't get too ahead of yourself.”
“I'm not. I know what I mean when I say it.”
“Will you please go in and talk to the guys? They need you. We need you.”
I glanced over at him. We sat in silence as he looked at me for a minute.
“I don't think I can Katie. I'm not gonna lie, I'm fuckin' stubborn. If Darrell wants me back he'll come talk to me. If not, then so what.”
So what.
Those words rang in my head.
Why did it have to be this difficult?
All he had to do was talk and explain how he felt. But no. Of course, it couldn't be that easy.
“I need to get back in there. They're probably looking for me. I've been gone a while.”
I opened the door.
Something stopped me.
I turned to him one last time.
“Wait,” if I wouldn't have been turned around I wouldn't have heard him.
“Yes,” I whispered back.
He took my hand and gently pulled it, indicating for me to move closer.
He brushed some hair out of my face and placed a hand on my face.
His warm lips melted into mine.
“You're beautiful.”

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