January 8, 1987. Thursday

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Darrell, Mad, and I had all graduated from high school and were still pursuing music.
Mad, Vic and I got an apartment together.
My dad got stationed in Georgia in '86, so I had to find a place to stay.
Vic had gotten into a fight with her mom and got kicked out. Which was probably for the best.
Mad was doing good, even got a new car.
Vinnie and Darrell were still living with their mom. Along with their girlfriends Tina and Rita.
Velum was still playing music. We got more popular, wrote more songs, and played in bigger, different places.
We're in the process of making an album with the Abbott brothers father.
Things were changing in Pantera though.
Rex, Vinnie, and Darrell were looking to move their music in other places. Terry's vocals weren't making the cut.
There was no bad blood between any of us. We all loved Terry, even if he was a dumbass most of the time. He had a special place in all of our hearts. It was just time for him to go his separate ways with the band.
I knocked on the front door.
Vinnie answered, “Come on in, Darrell's in the garage I'll be there in a sec.”
I took a seat on the now, worn out couch.
“I'm so glad you came, where's the girls? I've got big news!”
“We had a long night playing last night. They're still hungover, I barely made it here.”
“I'm glad you did. Where's Vincent? that son of a bitch. I can barely hold it in much longer!”
“Where's Rex?”
“I don't know, he wouldn't answer the phone.”
Vinnie took a seat in a foldable chair.
“Sorry, had to talk to Tina. She's pissed about something.”
“Damn man, I almost told her without you.”
“He's here now. Stop stalling, just tell me.”
“We found a singer. He's great, he can hit all the notes.”
“Where'd you find him?”
“When we went on that small tour a few months back. His name is Phil Anselmo, he lives in New Orleans. He was playing in a band then but said if he became available he would call. He did a few days ago. He'll be out here next week for a while. You'll love him, I'm sure of it.”

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