March 7, 1987. Saturday

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My show with Pantera went well. The crowd definitely wasn't expecting me to join the guys. I could tell by the energy they were giving off they enjoyed it.
I had larger problems to deal with. Still, no one had heard from Phil and Velum was playing at a nice, new club called Valerie's in Fort Worth.
For the first time ever, the guys were opening up for us. They were so excited for this up until yesterday, when their singer ditched.
I placed the last amp into the trailer.
“Thanks for hauling our shit. It makes us look more sophisticated when it's sitting in a trailer rather than being cramped in a car.”
Rex gave me a soft laugh, “No problem.”
“Better get going while you still can. Looks like it's gonna rain.”
“Yeah, I'll see y'all there.”
I ran into my apartment and grabbed my bag, outfit, and off the girls and I went.
The guys were already warming up even though they didn't go on for another two hours.
I made sure the outfits Velum wore tonight were pleasant. Not the usual t-shirt and jeans.
I straightened my long blonde hair and applied some makeup. I went for a gentle look, light eyeshadow and red lipstick. I wore a black mini skirt, dark pantyhose, a sparkly tank, dark jean jacket, and short black heels.
Mad decided on wearing a white shirt tucked into some jeans with a thick black belt and a pair of black Doc Martens.
Mad and I tried to get Vic to dress up, but she didn't want to. She stuck to a usual look, leather pants, a band tee, and white Reebok's.
“Come in,” I answered.
A woman about our age peered into the room, she gave us a nice smile and walked in.
“Hi, I'm Valerie. You all must be Velum. I love your music, it blows me away.”
We shook her hand, “Thanks so much for letting us play here. It means a lot, especially on your opening night, that's a big deal,” Mad said.
“Oh, don't thank me. My dad Randall is the one who found out about you. He's the one that called you, to ask if you would want to play here.”
“Is he here?” I asked.
“Yeah, he wanted to come greet you himself, but he's busy. Ya know, since it's the first night.”
“I get it, I'm sure we'll see him later on,” I responded.
“Break a leg out there,” Valerie commented then left the room.
A cover band called the Green Keys were the first to go on. They weren't bad, but they definitely weren't Velum or Pantera.
When the guys went on the crowd went wild. Darrell did the vocals, they even played a new song from their upcoming album. The crowd loved it.
Randall stood on the stage introducing us before we went on.
Nervousness settled into my body.
“I hope you all have good balance, cause the band you've all been waiting for is here; about to blow you away. Velum!”
Everyone went wild with screams.
I gave Vic and Mad one last glance before stepping into the storm.
Roars of the people engulfed my ears. I couldn't help but smile.
I took a few steps towards the mic and glanced around.
There was not one empty spot in that club. It was packed to the core.
“So, I hear you've been waiting for us, is that true?” I ask with a smirk.
They yell, “Yes!”
“Huh, doesn't seem like it. Louder.”
“I can't fuckin' hear ya! Are y'all ready for us!?”
The stage shook a little, “Hit it!”
And off we went, ripping into Guillotine.
This whole moment was surreal. This was our time to shine. Our time to show so many new people what we were capable of. I felt like I reached the peak and nothing could take me down. But the peak eventually falls, even if you believe it won't.
In the middle of paper bag, I noticed a familiar face.
He had come. Even though he was mad at the guys, he came, for us. For me?
No. No, he hadn't come for me. We were just messing around, right? That's what he said.
But there he was. In the second row, pushing through the flood of people, getting closer. Feet away from me, there he was. Watching. His eyes weren't moving, they were set directly on me. I knew this for a fact, because something took over me, I couldn't break the gaze.
Something nudged me. It was Mad, she looked completely confused.
I realized I wasn't singing, just playing the bass.
“Shit,” I mumbled.
I don't think the crowd noticed that words weren't being produced. They were headbanging and thrashing as hard as ever.
Phil gave me a huge cheesy smile and chuckled. He noticed.
I wonder if he knew he made me loose the words. He took me completely out of this world. It was just him and I. Not Mad or Vic, or the hundred or more people packed into this building.
Just him and I.

Far Beyond BrokenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora