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When I started this book, there was a lot in me that needed to be changed. As a person I was struggling for years to accept myself as I was. Honestly I didn't even know who I was.

It was around the time of last year December, that I decided that I will take some decisions in my life and stick to it. And I did. The first thing I decided was to read The Secret. That book changed my life. Before this book, no one really told me about gratitude.

As I started counting my blessings I realised, I had so much in life. So much. Isn't it's easy in life to sometimes get so lost in moving forward that you forget where you are? That happened to me. As a kid who felt lost and not understood, I got so lost in perfecting myself that I kind of stopped thinking. You know like sometimes you just run a race and forget the reason.

Anyways, around the end of March I decided to write this book. Honestly this idea came to me while i was dreaming a year back in college. And it's funny, but sometimes I note down my dreams. And that day when I did, it wasn't exactly this story, but it was a lot of the start of this story.

If anything, this book is dedicated to God. Now I know a lot of you don't believe in god and that's okay. You can take it in any sense if you want. If you believe in love, for me that's god. If you believe in kindness, for me that's god. I have never been conventionally religious honestly, but this connection with universe, it's always been there. When I was a kid and I felt I couldn't cry in front of anyone, I always used to run up the stairs and cry looking up at the stars, or whenever I had some doubts I talked with sky. My deepest darkest thoughts went up to the sky and shone like a sun next day. As for me I had to go back, it started with Nature again. I spent a lot of time by just being alone in nature. You know started to open myself bit by bit. Break some things to make myself again.

It took time. I took time. It wasn't easy but it was the best decision that I ever made. For starters, I started writing this book. I knew, it was not going to be perfect. Nothing is perfect. But I could make it beautiful, make if something. I could write it to bring smiles, so I did. Even though it's personal but I want to tell you, I lost 14 kg. I became fit. I excercised.  I ate food but I literally ate. You know not just picking anything because you don't have time.  Choosing it, taking time.  Because it's your life, it's your body. And it needs care. Choosing books. Choosing life.

I am telling you all of this in the hope that if any of you think that life is unchangeable or hard, it's not. I want you to know that life is ours to decide. Anytime you want, you can mend it your way. Life is beautiful. You deserve living it. You deserve to live your dreams but never make them your master. Take time for yourself. Cherish every little thing you have. You don't even realise but you have the world with you. Live it. Every second of it. Don't make other people's dreams your dreams. Don't validate yourself in terms of other people's expectations. You are your own person, you have your own choices, you have your own way of bringing light and happiness into the world.

The world needs more kind people, not more successful people. And I guess it's okay to be want to be successful. But when you do realise, you have the capacity to bring more light, more love, more stories, more happiness and togetherness in the world.

Okay, all done with the Guru talk.

I really really want to thank my beautiful family for supporting me in this. For feeding me food on bed. And bringing me countless chocolates, love and understanding. I LOVE YOU THE MOST❤️

My friends, I don't know where to start with them. But each and every one of them are my most important person. And they bring out the best in me. And I can't thank them enough. There are so many names to take and so many stories to tell. But I want you to know, I wouldn't have been without you.  I am because of you. Thanks for saving me. I love you all. I am taking you all to a beach one day, I promise.

And last but not the least, dear readers. Take this book with you. To realise that it's okay to let out. You may think that you are going to be hurt, maybe you will get hurt. But know, that it's okay to love and to be want to loved back. Love is the most beautiful thing in life. It may hurt sometimes, but still, it still is the most best thing in the world.

I hope you love freely, courageously, delightfully and get the love you deserve.

                                         Your author,
                                        Skindledreams ❤️

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