Chapter - 50 Dream Reality

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Warning: Sexual content.

I look at him. He is sitting beside me like a kid, his arms on his folded knees, a shrew sheen in his eyes as if he is preparing himself for something really hard. And I know it is. As much as it is for me, it's for him. Because we never talked about that day before. He tried to ask me things and I as always as usual evaded them. He knew it was difficult for me so he didn't push. Even though I smell like dried tears and alcohol and vomit for sure, he is looking at me like there's nothing wrong with me. " That day.... I was waiting for you. "

His eyes soften the moment I said the words. I guzzel down the reasons to not tell him the truth. " Please don't blame yourself, I was not easy during that time, I know. So that time after I came back from London. It was my birthday and you told me that you would be late as there was a charity gala you had to attend with Sahana. And Nishkarsh wanted to..." I scratch my neck and Kiyansh's eyes drops down to my neck, he frowns "Let me get you a glass of water. " He says and starts to get up, going to the glass table kept at the corner of the room, picking up a porcelain jug and filling a glass of water. He carries the glass towards me. I cringe when I see that his eyes goes to the place where I threw up earlier. He looks at me and surprisingly smiles, " It's okay. "

I fluster. " Let me. Let me clean this up. " I start to get up and he stops me. His hands falling on my shoulders. They are so warm so calloused and soft at the same time that it's hard to decide if they are soft or hard.

He hands me the glass of water. " Sit and give me a minute. " He goes to the glass table again. And opens up a silver cabinet. He gets out a box of hard cleaning tissues and starts towards the floor. I look in horror when he bends down and starts viping whatever I threw up on the floor.

" Hey! " I shreik. " It's gross. Let me clean this up. "

He turns towards me and raises his eyebrows. " 8th grade we drank for the first time. You threw up on Dad's study while cursing me half the time. I cleaned all of your mess while you prevailed dad to not enter in the study while I emptied all the evidence and mixed water in his bourbon. And cleaned up your vomit with my t-shirt so...." He smirks.

I narrow my eyes. " You better do it nice then. Clean it up and spray some perfume on it." I smirk back. "Because I remember someone pissing up in their pants when they were in certain roller coaster in Disneyland. And then begging me to not tell anyone especially their mom. And then that someone sneaked into my room and asked me how to wash pants. And even after I told that certain someone to do it step by step. They couldn't. And I had to wash someone's pissing pants in the middle of the night. "

His mouth opens wide enough to fill a whole tubewell of Nutella. " That is so unnecessary I was six. And you promised to never talk out loud about it. "

I shrug and stick my tounge out at him.
" Well I am not announcing in an open mic. We are in a room. "

He rolls his eyes but a soft corner of his mouth tilts up. " Such a devil."

He cleans up the whole mess and then take the wipe tissues to the bathroom. I hear water being on and off and after five minutes he comes out, drying his hands on a towel. He hands me another glass of water. And quirks up his eyebrows when I drink it one go. He drinks a glass himself then nods his head at me taking that place beside me again.

" Let's continue. " He says in what feels a suspiciously too determined voice.

I take a deep breath. " Now don't stop me. Okay? "

He nods his head diligently.

" So he wanted to take me someplace else. Since morning I was waiting for you. Honestly I was waiting since midnight that you would barge into my house just to surprise me. And in the morning while I was asleep he came to my flat. I thought that it was you and I blindingly opened the door excitedly and I said, ' About Time Kiyansh. ' when I looked up it was him. All balloons in his hands and cake. And a big teddy bear. He seemed obviously disappointed after hearing your name. "

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