Chapter - 52 Family

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" I like this.....these crocuses are beautiful." I whisper looking around at the fake portico door covered with them. " You had a portico door made " I smile and stick my tounge at him. He looks deeply into my eyes. Goosebumps raise into my arms, as he moves closer towards me.

" They are my favourite flowers. They look like your eyes. As for the door you told me you wanted a castle so I thought let's give you the whole setup. " He said with smile in his voice.

I turn my head towards the door. Touching the flowers and the hard door. The dark blue tinge of flowers with splatches of white petals made the flower stark and lovely in contrast to the beautiful white hardwood door.

I smile at them. I never thought about my eyes like that.

I feel him coming closer to me. His arms wraps around me, his lips touch my neck. I shudder when I feel his lips opening and his teeth biting me there. His hands move up and it barely touches my breast before it goes to my belly button through the wet sticky t-shirt that I am wearing. Then, we freeze.

We both hear a rawr of screeching car on the asphalt. We depart from each other with the same speed, at the same time standing straight at the sound, I turn my head and look towards the long pavement that moves towards the main entrance of the property.

I see four distinct figures coming out of the car. And I smile when I see it's our parents.... Then freeze again on the spot. I frown and look towards Kiyansh who hastily steps in front of me as if covering me up. Like he doesn't want them to see me. And then my eyes widen in realisation. I am in nothing but underwear and Kiyansh's t-shirt and I am soaked, the t-shirt sticking to my body, my nipples hard. I look once at them and then without any preamble just turn and try to open the portico door. The door doesn't move an inch.

Kiyansh curses and I feel him completely turn to me. " Let's go inside, for the life of us they have turned their heads. " His voice sounds irritated but also I feel a hunch of laughter on the depth.

We frenetically go inside, almost run. As if we have been caught during our teenage hormonal escapades, the situation almost feels like that. Kiyansh continues to curse and opens the bedroom door moving towards the closet. He goes inside and picks out a long wide pants and a long sleeved t-shirt and hands it to me.

I laugh at him. " This can't go together you idiot. Let me." I replace the t-shirt with Etsy vinyl t-shirt. I give him an amused smile and take out a cigarette after sex t-shirt which I bought after a concert in London for him. And throw at him " you should wear that. "

He scowls at the t-shirt then cringes visibly. " I can't let out the image of my parents looking at you in underwear . It's gonna haunt me forever. " He scowls again, and sits on the bed. His knuckles white on he crumpled bedsheet. " Who the hell let them in. I told the security to not let anyone without my permission. " His knuckles whitens even more and I look at the adorable face he has. I laugh and he looks up frowning at me.

" Isn't it like the time when once after the annual fest in our school, you climbed the tree and jumped into my room because I was angry with you. And I was so tired that I snuggled up to you without even knowing. And we both slept. And then your mom barged into my room the next morning to ask me if I knew where you were because you sneaked out of your house in midnight and she found us sleeping together. And then you were all red face. You look just like that. "

His face turns even more red. He folds up the ' Cigarettes after the sex t-shirt. And picks out a beige crew neck t-shirt. He tries to scowl again but laughter is clearly visible on his smug face when he says, " We have been doing all these things together for years and I still feel guilty as if I am bunking your privacy and making you impure or something. Do you know your father and I had once had a talk about it? The only time we had an argument? "

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