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Hello my dear readers, how have you been? What's happening in your lives? Tell me everything!

So before I tell you about this book, I want to tell you a story. I started writing this book around December 2020, the magical time of Christmas. I had a dream and the idea of this book came out! This book comes late to you because a lot has happened since then. You must have read about India in the news, so for a time I just took things slow and different, but the thing is so many beautiful things have been brought out of this and those times. 

I am grateful for everything and I wanted to give you something to smile, I hope you know you are a world of shining galaxy and I love you. 

Here is the book's name, it's called A Christmas Miracle. (Because we all are miracles and everything is magical) I hope you find peace and love and happiness and hope when you read this.

 link is, 

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