Chapter -53 Parting to Berlin

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One week of heaven, the most blissful time of my life where everything seemed flowery, coloured, smiles and wonder. And now I don't know how I am going to be able to stay away for even a single moment from him. I want to be joined by hips and turn into some mythical creature that can portal to places. I despise vampires and werewolves now. I wish I had some supernatural reason I could give for feeling this way, like my heart was being wrenched open and I just couldn't think of anyone but him. Atleast he seemed sad too.

" You think you really have to go? " He seems to ask for about hundred'th time already.

I try to smile up at him. " Yes I have to, I just...I didn't know my editing-in-head would dream this entire different scene and we would need to re-shoot this scene. I am so sorry. But his idea is really good. "

" You don't ever have to say sorry for doing what you love" he touches my face and my cheeks bends on his hands on their own accord. I sigh and move closer. " Are you sure that I can't come with you? " He smiles his dimpled seducing smile and my heart squeezes like an idiot, always feeling like it's the first time him smiling like this. Like that night when you were 13 and he told you he wouldn't leave the room until you would agree with him to go to Greece otherwise he wasn't going at all.
How didn't you notice?

" You could have if your secretary didn't ward up to the house with crazy hair and hollowed eyes, begging you to switch on your phone. Shhh." I put my finger on his lips before he opens it. " You need to do what you love too. We will meet just after I come back from Germany. Okay? "

He smiles, " But I can manage.."

" No. " I chastise.

He broods. " Okay " then pushes me against his chest. My breath hitches, his lips descend on mine, possessive, desperate. And I understand, we both have stayed away from each other so long that it feels desperate like old times. For so long we both have stayed away, pretended and hurt each other so much that the scary feeling that it is all just a dream gets to me. His mouth opens mine, for minutes we are just lost into each other. Our own beat of life formed by our lips and shared breath.

" You will call me as soon as you land in Berlin. And I need to introduce you to someone. "

I look up at him in confusion. " Now?"

He nods. " Now. And please don't argue about this. "

Before I can reply he takes my hand and leads me out to the living room. Where I see a stern, solid women in suit standing near the glass coffee table and a man dressed in all black t-shirt and jeans standing too straight. They both turn towards us at the same time. I distinctly even see the women's ear standing up to attention. Huh?

" Baby this is Arundhati. And this is Kartik. Your security team." He motions towards the woman and man standing.

" Arundhati. Kartik." He motions towards me with his left hand still holding my hand with his right. " Shanvi. "

My hands tightens on his. I turn my glacial eyes towards his. " Can we have a moment? " I smile at the both woman and man who look at me in daze. I am completely sure they are already taking me as some madwoman when I grin at Kiyansh and he pales in response.

Without waiting for anyone's answer this time I , drag him to a guest room near the staircase. I drag him inside and close the door with a bang. I move towards him and he steps back for his own good. " What a surprise? I am so glad I am informed, sorry ordered that I need two people to take care of me. " I grin that grin at him again.

He involuntary steps back again and is met with the door at the back. " Why are you being so scary all of a sudden? "

I flash my teeth at him. " Because you are being an utter asshole again. What's the deal with this new security. I am going with my crew. I will have my security. And I am an adult I can very well take care of myself. "

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