Chapter 46 - Lies and Cries

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We are parked in the parking lot of Kiyansh's parents home. The whole castle like pristine bungalow is decorated with lights. I try to ignore the fact that Kiyansh hasn't said a single word to me since we are in the car. What were you expecting?

I take a deep breath and ignore the itch I have in my throat like as if I have swallowed a bucket of sand. " We will go inside, and you have to pretend like everything is fine, can you do that? " I try to say it with a haughty kind of expression but it comes out as meek and doubtful. I hate you. I love you. I want to slap you. I want to shout at you. I want you to say it's all lies. Say something. But you won't, I know you. What did you say to Sahana? Why did you do this? Were we ever friends?

All these questions are stuck in my throat. A constant ebb of pain is piercing me from within. He is struggling to hold back his words, I can see that from the way he is constantly taking deep breaths. The way he is grappling the wheels. After a minute he just turns his head and gives me a stiff nod.

" Okay let's go. " I say without looking at him and get out of the car. I take breaths after breaths preparing myself to hold the facade. The lies I have to say. I never lied to my parents before, but I have to now.

With a painful tug I remember Papa cheerfully saying in the morning, I have specially prepared both of your favourite chocolate cake.

I feel a hand cautiously touch my arm, I flinch and step back. I look up and see Kiyansh staring at me. He looks....hurt? No he can't be. It's all lies Shanvi. All lies.

" Don't touch me I told you. " I hiss at him. But only I know how much my arm wants to feels his hard calloused fingers again. How my body still aches to be near him. How shamefully I still want to move close towards him and touch him.

A look of something vulnerable passes in his eyes, but then his deep stiff voice comes out " I don't think so you can pretend by staying ten feet away from me. Everyone will instantly know. " And for all I know I was wrong again. Kiyansh Singhania is never vulnerable. He doesn't care.

" I feel like I don't know you. " I can't help but stop myself from saying out loud.

He stills but then takes my arm with no expression as if he didn't hear the words, he tightly wraps his left arm in my right. The smell of woodpines and chocolate encapsulates me again giving me that soothing calm feeling. I try to wince away, try to hate the smell. But I can't.

We walk the cobbled lite up stone path. The guards instantly standing straight and nodding in our way. I try to smile at them. But the smile comes out like a stiff straight line.

The smell of Juliet Roses and Lillies get mixed with chocolates and woodpines and I instantly remember sitting here in the pathway dressed in yellow sundress laughing with Kiyansh who was wearing his favourite football shorts. He had just come from the practice and his black t-shirt was drenched in sweat, his chocolate hair was mussed and pretty. I was waiting for him because we were supposed to go to the Crochette Park to do our homework and I saw him walking down the pathway with a beautiful girl in a violet dress. They both were laughing so hard that they didn't even see me standing there until Kiyansh looked up at me. I was mortified and jealous beyond my wits. My mind was going around in circles, I had never seen the girl before. But I smiled at her and Kiyansh introduced her as his father's friend daughter. They had just came from America and she was transferring to our school. So her parents wanted to meet Kiyansh before starting school. I remember how my stomach recoiled and I thought one more? How many girls want to talk to him? That was all what was going inside my head even when we went inside the house. Kiyansh's mom was preparing us a bucket of food which we could take to the park. She was filling it up with our favourite food. I was in the kitchen with her while that girl Sammy was clinging to Kiyansh. They were both sitting in the open living room and they were laughing so loud that we could hear in the kitchen. I could not help but say to Kiyansh's mom " What are they laughing about? And we are supposed to do homework at the park how will we do it if they are going to laugh like that and disturb me? " As soon as I had that I felt ashamed at myself. But Kiyansh's mother had smiled at me and said " You always make him do the things he doesn't want to do. I think you will manage with the homework. " I had blushed and just rushed to the living room holding the basket in my hands. Kiyansh instantly came and took the basket from me grinning at me. I had thought at that time is he grinning because of me or because of her. But I couldn't help but smile back. When at the park we sat on the sheets we had folded Kiyansh instantly opened the bucket and started picking out the food from his dirty hands. I slapped his hands away and told him to wash his hands first. " You are behaving like his mom. Here." She had said and holded up peanut butter sandwich in front of his mouth. " He is allergic to peanut butter" I said and handed him the plate of hazelnut and honey sandwich. He had awkwardly smiled at her but I couldn't help but notice the scowl Sammy gave to me. He was not listening to me and wasn't doing homework at all. He told me I could do it and he would just copy. I was angry and I felt I couldn't sit with him anymore. So I just got up and went to a quite place forcing myself to focus on the homework. " It seems your glue stick have found another best friend now. " An arrogant voice had came from beside me. I looked up and found a boy from my class, Nishkarsh. It was the first time he had talked to me. He was yet another arrogant handsome type of guy. And that was only one of the things which made Kiyansh and him the sworn enemy of each other. I hadn't talked to him but heard things about him from Kiyansh. Like how he used to date every other girl and was arrogant and asshole. I had just laughed up at Kiyansh and asked him ' seems that there are similarity between you two.' Kiyansh had just scowled and went back to his swimming practice that day.

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