Chapter - 23 THE BOMB!!!!

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"You live in this apartment?" Rohit pricks his cheek like a tyke.

"That's how I got the keys you know." I dangle the keys in front of his face.

He looks at me as if I am crazy, "The director of the highest earning film of 2018 lives in a converted loft?"

"You do live like a vagrant you know" Prisha agrees with gargantuan eyes.

I chide her, "Stop overreacting, you have been here like ten times!"

They meandered into the bedroom without my permission and Rohit literally gasps, and points at the bed. "You only have a bed there."

I roll my eyes, "Yeah that's why it's called a BEDROOM, you know."

"Don't joke with us, on a serious note you earn so good and you are living in a converted loft with only a bed, TV, a dilapidated old sofa and thankfully a fridge and what is this," he points at the cupboard, "you don't even have a closet!"

His Gucci ass can't understand the fact that it's so hard to find a jewel like this in Mumbai, I have a sycamore tree near my bedroom tiffany window, and it's so big that I can sit on it and read my books all afternoon, I have a window planter installed outside it, what else do I need? "First of all I didn't invite you here. Second of all, how do you even know if I am rich? Maybe I lost all my money in Vegas." I joke.

Prisha winks at me.

Rohit looks like he is going to collapse, I control the laughter erupting in my stomach and I guess Prisha is doing the same.

" are only joking right?" he asks with wide eyes, "You earn so much from movies, you are rich we know that, aren't your parents super duper loaded too?"

I think to increment on the joke but one look at Prisha's face and I erupt out in laughter falling on the floor like a noodle wave.

Prisha joins me in the laughter, "Look at your face, you idiots. You were on the verge of sweating." She snorts and clutches her stomach.

He shakes his head like a spring doll, "You both are such a traitor."

"And you are so stupid." I am still laughing on the floor when my phone starts to ring on the sofa. Since it's a combined living room and bedroom, it doesn't take a lot for Prisha to reach out and pick up my phone. I get a feeling before she looks up and narrows her eyes at me, "Someone seems to miss you."

"Shut up." I say and get up from the floor. I take the phone away from her hand and put it on silent mode in panic. He won't leave me alone until he knows what happened and I can't tell him, because it will get him upset.

"Why won't you pick up the call?"

"Order something I am hungry." I ignore her expression and head towards the bathroom before opening my suitcase and taking out clothes.

When I come out of the bedroom in shorts and t-shirt (which are definitely his) Rohit and Prisha are sitting on the floor with their legs spread whispering about something. As soon as they see me, they step away from each other with the speed of a rat chasing cheese.

I narrow my eyes and at least they look a little guilty.


We are immersed in eating take-out watching spongebob when my phone starts vibrating again, I check and it's an unknown number.

I pick the call, chewing Pasta.

"He...Hello." the other person clears their throat.

"Hello. Who is this?"

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