Chapter-57 The warmth of the world

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I never ran so fast in my life as I do now. I know he's not standing far but the way I felt just ten minutes before makes me forget everything but his engendering eyes that's cutting through everything, beseeches me towards him. I know that look, it's when I fell on the school grounds and students laughed that made Kiyansh look at them, that stopped all the laughing. It's the look before he punched a guy straight on the face because he was trying to look under my skirt. Goosebumps erupt on my skin, it's the look before Kiyansh literally split opened Nishkarsh's head. And before I know, I ram straight into him and he picks me straight into his arms. How are you here? I want to ask him. But the words won't come out. It's clogged deep inside my throat. The arms wrap so tightly around me that it's like we are one body. I have never felt so grateful in my life as I do right now. I put my face on his neck and breath the familiar woodpines, chocolates and cinnamon. I feel him shake under me, take an uneven breath before I am passed to another arms and feel the cass of being wrested away from the most important thing in my life. The feel of not being allowed to breath, I want to drench in the smell of him and never ever leave those arms. I want the smell of woodpines chocolate and cinnamon settle into me.
"What, what are you doing? " I ask Kiyansh who turns to me, moving his hands on my hair, giving me full attention with those burning gold brown before turning towards Arundhati who I notice is the one holding me back and says in that imperative tone that can cut mountains, "If anybody else touch her you are done for."

I freeze and see Arundhati backing me from the door a little. Kartik takes the front and for a horrendous second I know what he is gonna do. I scream before I allow myself. " Kiyansh Stop!"

And I know, I know, I know. I know before Kiyansh crosses the room and throttles the neck of the man in the jacket. I try to jerk away from Arundhati but she holds me so tightly that even pushing at Kartik's back doesn't budge him or me. The man with the knife slashes his hand once and it goes beside Kiyansh's ear and I am sure my heart just throttles outside my throat. Men move beside us from both sides like marching army but my vision is stuck to that point of knife that moves towards the neck that I know every small curve and arc of. I feel faint until the knife flies out of the man's hand in one clean sweep of Kiyansh's left wrist. I am just preparing to wretch my gut out the floor when I remember Kiyansh flaunting his moves of Krav Maga on the lanes in front of me. Before I can think of anything else the guy is on his back on the floor and he is kicked straight on face by Kiyansh's sole of shoes. I see him kicking and kicking until blood runs to my face, he is not going to stop. No No No. My eyes swipe through the room, Nishkarsh is reeling in a corner, the four guards or whatever they were standing near him as if protecting him. The other four of which three were on the floor are hunched up from the collars and stranded up in holds of new men. And another set of those new men are just standing in the corner just staring at Kiyansh and letting Kiyansh kick after kick that man again. He is going to kill him and no one is going to stop him.

"Leave me! Leave me. He is going to kill him, you don't know him, he is going to kill him, leave me! " I shout at Arundhati's face who seems shocked by my shouting, her hold on me loosens and I take the time to drag Kartik aside and run inside the room towards Kiyansh. Kiyansh is bent down now punching the man with bloodied hands. Without knowing what to do, I do the only thing I think that can stop him. I grab his right arm. I know it's wrong before I can feel him turning with a force that he will never use on me, I feel his left arm flying towards me and I close my eyes in fright. But it never comes. I open my eyes tentatively. He is staring at me as if he is woken up from a nightmare. All the blood is drenched away from his face. I have never seen his face so full of colour, turned to so white. He is pale as if he is biting his face, his breath uneven, his eyes wide. It's like there is no one else in the room but us. His hands are shaking when it touches my cheek so softly that I hardly believe it. "I am so sorry. " A single tear escapes his eye. " I am so sorry. " He says again. " I..." He gulps as if he is in pain. "I failed to protect you. I am so sorry. "

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