Sarcasm, Sorrow, and Strawberry Smoothies

674 8 2


This story is pretty good! You said this was the second book? Maybe if you added a little more insight to her life before she commits suicide would help me understand, and other readers, who she is. From what I read, I understand she is unpopular, so perhaps you could show how she became unpopular, family issues (if she has any), a bit of her life story, why she stalks those two girls.... You know what I mean?

For Kara and Haylee. What is their life story? Why are they friends? Why are they popular? Do not respond here, but rather in your story! :)

Would you like me to give my true, honest opinion of these particuar characters? They sound a bit b!tchy. If that was the intention, you have successfully passed on the message. If that, however, was NOT the intention, I would lower their social atmosphere level lower.



ALL OF CHAPTER 2. Why? Because in most stories, authors never show the perspective, or P.oint O.f V.iew, of the bullied, the targets, etc., when the protagonists are the bullies, harassers, etc.

All in all, pretty good start!

xox, Noname O.o

Date: January 2011

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