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I don't know, anky0909!

Your books are just too good! How am I supposed to make a review?


Well, for starters, there are just small little details that were not correct, like no-one is written no one. But those are not important. Readers tend to skip over little spelling mistakes, just make sure you don't do them too often, or else it becomes annoying.

That's just me in my 'Editing Mode'.

What's very funny is her name; Jam. Jam's right! Who calls their child 'Jam'? Well, Jam's parents did, that's who!

It's really interesting, how she is being sucked into the world of Vashnarva.

Your writing quality is excellent and at it's best in this story. You know, the small transitional and 'filler' sentences? Really discriptive and well done!

Noname O.o

Is this is the Watty Awards?

And, thanks so much for the dedication! It made my day!!

Date: 3 April 2011

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