49-Halloween 2-Eris trick or treating

Start from the beginning

"I'm scared. Can you guys please hold my hands? " Eri asked.

" Of course Eri" Izuku and Ochako each took one of her hands in their own and walked with her to the door and rung the doorbell.

After a few seconds a man came outside with a basket of candy.

"What do you say Eri?" Ochako asked her.

"Trick-or-treat!" Eri let go of Izuku and Ochako's hands for the moment so she could hold out her bag.

"Aw she's very cute. Here you go little lady" The man placed a few pieces of candy in her bag.

"What else Eri?" Izuku asked her.

"Thank you!" Eri thanked the man for the candy and they went away.

"What did you get Eri?" Ochako asked her.

"I got two snickers and a tootsie roll" Eri was looking through her bag.

She looked a little disagree however.

"What's wrong Eri?" Izuku didn't want her to have a bad halloween. She deserves so much.

"I didn't get much candy" Eri is a bit disappointed from the lack of candy.

"We still have lots of houses to go to" Izuku knew that she didn't get a good life for most of her life. She probably had no clue how to do trick or treating.

"Really?! I thought we would only do one" Eri now looked happy again.

" C'mon Eri let's go to this one" Ochako pointed at another house.

They did this to every house that was giving out candy. Eri got scared several times because other people wore scary costumes,but Izuku and Ochako assured her that it was okay and they weren't real.

"This is a lot of candy!" Eri reached into her bag to get one but Izuku stopped her.

"Sorry Eri. But we have to check and make sure they are safe first" Izuku hoped nobody would be cruel enough to hurt a kid, aside from the villians.

"Okay I can wait. Are we almost done?" Eri was having fun and she didn't want it to end anytime soon.

"It's not too late but we've been to every house so I guess we have to end the night" Ochako was surprised by how fast they got through trick or treating.

"Awww okay" Eri was a bit disappointed but she was mostly happy she got to be with her favorite hero and his girlfriend.

On the way back however they passed by a Halloween fair that was still going.

"Deku! Ms Uraraka! There's a fair!" Eri pointed at the light up fair.

" Want to go Eri? " Ochako already knew she did.

" Do we have enough time?" Izuku didn't want Aizawa to get pissed that they stayed out late.

" Of course. We will only be here for a hour" Ochako looked at the time on her phone.

They bought tickets to go in and they went on several rides and did lots of games.

Eri had to hold their hands on several of the rides, mainly the haunted house one,but she still had fun.

And Izuku decided to do something to make up for her not being able to have any candy for now.

"Here you go Eri" Izuku held out a shiny candy apple to her.

"Thank you Deku!" Eri happily took the candy apple and she dug into it immediately.

"You know you're really good with Eri" Ochako talked to Izuku as they left with Erin in front of them eating her apple.

"Really? You think so?" Izuku didn't feel special about it. He just wanted Eri to have a better life and he did what he could.

"I really do. Just imagine how you will be with our children" Ochako made him blush at the thought of them making children.

"I. Uh-

" Oh I'm just teasing Deku. But it is also true. You would be a good dad" Ochako gave him a quick kiss which he accepted.

"Ew!" Eri saw the kiss happen.

"What? Is it gross Eri?" Izuku asked her. He knew one day she wouldn't think so.

" Yes. It is gross" Eri turned around and kept eating her apple.

Izuku and Ochako just chuckeld to themselves as they came back to the dorms.

They went to the living room where Aizawa was already waiting.

"Hey. How did it go Eri?" Aizawa asked Eri who has already finished her apple.

"It was amazing! Deku and ms Uraraka were very nice and I got lots of candy! " Eri showed off her candy loot.

" Very nice. Thanks you two" Aizawa thanked Izuku and Ochako.

"It was no problem mr Aizawa" Ochako wanted to do this again next year.

"It was pretty fun" Izuku also wanted to do it again next year.

"Alright Eri we gotta head back now" Aizawa took her hand.

" Bye Deku! Bye ms Uraraka! I can't wait to see you both again!" Eri flashed them a smile that made their hearts warm.

Eri left with Aizawa and it was just Izuku and Ochako now.

"So what do you want to do? I think everyone is in their rooms now" Izuku wasn't tired himself.

" How about we watch a scary movie?" Ochako suggested.

" I feel like you will pretend to be scared so you can have a excuse to hold onto me." Izuku wouldn't mind it though.

" You know me so well" Ochako put in a movie and they watched together, and Ochako pretended to be scared to hold on to him.

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