" Fine , then let me help you with that "- he held the gun up and pointed it at him and immediately began trembling when the gun touched his chest .

" Please don't do this "- my voice almost inaudible .

" Yes you can , kill him "- he mumbled further as he guided me to the trigger .

The pleading voices of my friends were silenced when guns were pointed at them .

" Leniently silence them , "- He faustratingly commanded .

My eyes became blurry when I saw Mark smile at me .

" You can't make me do this , Mr. Luciano . "- I whispered .

" Kill him alone or have your other four friends torturably killed in front of you ! "- he warned then brought the gun back to Mark's chest.

I looked at the three of them and saw their mouths covered with duck tape and Beatrice's eyes also turned red from crying so much . Their hands tied behind their back as they dejectedly looked at the ground . Kelvin was still lying on floor unconscious and we couldn't even touch not to talk of helping him .

" I'm not my father , Mr . Luciano . I can't kill . I can't take a life , "- I turned to face him .

" You HAVE to kill him , think about it Ssscarlet . What is one person to four people . Think carefully "- he mumbled into my ear while digging his fingernails deep into my arm .

I let out a whimper as he pushed me to the floor .

" You have five seconds to decide either I just kill all of them and send you , to a place no one will ever find you . Clock is ticking ... "- he treathened with his gun already pointed to Beatrice .

" Five "

" Please don't do this , please I can't . I just can't , "- I joined my hands .

" Four , three "-

" Please ! " - I whispered but kept strong even though the tears were begging to flow .

I can't cry , no one is ever going to make me cry ; no one .

" Two "

" I'm sorry about your mother , "- I said with my head bowed .

" You didn't know her so don't you give me that pity condolence ! "- he yelled .

" I understand Mr . Luciano but I'm not sure your mom would be happy to see her boy turn out like this , would she ? "- I continued .

" She didn't deserve what my dad did to her , "- he mumbled as tears escaped down his cheek .

" I didn't know her well but I'm sure she was a wonderful woman , " - I replied and took careful steps to his side .

" I didn't want this... you know , "- he mumbled .

" HANDS IN THE AIR , DE VIL ! " - I heard someone yell behind us .

It was the police and they already had Luciano's men lying unconscious everywhere.

He quickly took the gun and pointed it to my head.
" Stay where you are or I'll shoot her , "- he said and started to move backwards .

" Please leave my daughter alone , "- Blonde Lady pleaded with watery eyes .

" Then stay where you are , "- he commanded and walked further --- the rest becoming blurry figures step by step .

He made me keep running alongside him with the gun now directed to the stomach . We kept running till a river came to view .

" Why are you doing this ? "- I stopped running .

" Because I didn't have a choice , "- he replied then took a seat on a rock by a flowing river. "

" You do now , "- I replied .

" I feel you wish to start afresh and live all this behind ? "- I asked and pointed at everything .

" You may or may not be right * sadly chuckles * but my dad won't let me , I don't know but I think he finds joy in my misery . "- he replied then threw a stone into the river .

" You have your mother's heart , "- I said as I took a seat beside him .

" And how would you know that ? "- he asked with a scoff .

" Because it's only a good mother who will do everything she can to not get her son into dirty businesses even if it meant her death , "- I replied .

" I miss her so much , "- he mumbled to himself even though I could hear him .

" I would be glad to give you that opportunity , Luciano . "- I said with a smile .

" How ? "- staring into my eyes .

" I mean who knows , I might have tripped and hit my head which made me fall unconscious so I'm guessing I never knew where you went ... "- I replied with a shrug , standing .

" Why are you doing this for me after everything I put you through ? "-

" Because you're good man at heart and I would also love to have an involvement in your mother's smile where ever she is now . She deserves her last wish to come through , doesn't she ? " - I was taken aback when he took my hand and squeezed it .

" You might not get a chance to escape if you continue numbing my hand . "- I managed to say .

" Sorry about that * scratches his head , only if she'll forgive me for the countless crimes I've committed . "- he said with a sigh .

" I'm sure she will , you ARE a Mama's boy after all . "- I said in between laughs .

" Yeah and I'll always be a Mama's boy . * Begins to ran * , I'll never forget this opportunity you've given me . Thank you . "- his last words before dashing away with a smile .

I smiled to myself and laid on the floor with my eyes closed .

A few minutes later .

"Scarlet ! "- I heard a familiar voice . Ryan ?

I kept my eyes closed for a while .

" Hm "- I eventually replied and held my head " what happened ? "- I asked in a whisper.

" We found you unconscious , "- Blonde lady responded with a tight hug .

" What did he do to you ? "- she later asked breaking the hug.

" I don't know , I might - have - have tripped and fell . "- I replied groaning in fake pain .

" No need to worry , at least you're safe and I met your friend too . He wasn't a figment of your imagination and I'm sorry I didn't believe you . "- she said with a smile and helped me up .

Ryan carefully hugged then told me how much he missed me .

" Yeah , yeah . Where did you go ? " - I asked him with a playful hit on his arm .

" I'm an undercover agent , give me a break . "- he joked .

" That's cool , "- I replied with a shrug then held my head with a hiss .

" Don't worry , I will get you some medicines when we get home , "- Blonde lady reassured .

" Thank you Mr . Porcupine --- for being a great help to my stubborn daughter here . "- she shook his hand while I stood there in shock .

" I have a surprise for you , I'll be back in a minute ~ "- she excused .

" You're a .... "-

" Guess you know about that but no need , I'm not following in my Grandfather's foot steps . "- he replied then did a shush sign , hugged me one more time then left .

" Scarlet , Guess what your surprise is ! "- she asked in excitement .

" What is it , just tell me * giggles * "- I smiled .

" Well ...Meet Phoebe , my daughter ! "

Hi Phoebe * waves excitedly *

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