Chapter 41

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" Guys * ducks when gunshot is heard *- who is a Mafia leader's son ? "- I asked and examined their faces to see if they would display any signs of anger .

" Really Scarlet ? "- Kelvin replied in between laughs which soon got infectious as the whole van got filled with whispered but yet still trembling laughter .

" Leave the girl , I mean it's not her fault right but technically it IS since she beat up Luciano De ville , "- Mark said in between laughs but turning serious seconds later to look at me .

" Guys , we should be serious now * stops laughing * , we are in a very sticky situation and we need to be planning not playing around "; Maya continued .

"I think you should be planning faster because another car just joined them "- Jared said to us with his head slightly ducked .

" Ok let me get on with it , Luciano De ville is the son of Vincent De ville . They are involved in many criminal acts which official began four years ago . Victor De ville ; the grandfather robbed a bank in the Nineties and managed to stay free from jail. The police never found any evidence against him over the years so they eventually dropped the case . Victor decided the money was not enough due to his greed so began indulging in dirty money businesses like drug dealing , Armed robbery , terrorism and so on . They were never caught because I hear he had moles in the sheriff department as well . He died leaving all the money to his son who later got his son ; Vincent De Ville engaged in those heinous acts . Luciano's mother was kept history from everyone till this day but I hear people say Vincent killed his wife because she didn't want his son involved in his business but I guess that is just what they are ; rumors "- Maya explained in such a fast pace we all hid in awe as we stared at her .

" What ? I did a project on them once , "- She retorted scared .

" Ok , since I know who a Mafia leader's son is and apparently the history of the De villes . What are we going to do now ? "- I asked .

" We call our parents or the police . Just take out your phone and call whichever , "- Mark replied which made everyone take their phones In a hurry to make calls .

I just hid there and stared at them .

" Why aren't you making a call ? "- Beatrice whispered to me .

" I don't have blonde lady's number , "- I whispered back .

" Oh , don't worry . I have the numbers of all our parents including yours . "- she searched .

" And how did you get all those numbers ? "-

" I just asked them , "- she replied with a shrug ." I just hate it when I'm not prepared for something . I have to always have backup for something just to be safe . You understand me , right ? "- she continued .

" Of course ~ " - I Definitely didn't understand . Or maybe that's how she is " like the extra book and the blouse ? "- I asked further .

" Yeah , like those . "- she replied
" found it "- she yelped and helped me store the number .

" Thanks , "- I mumbled and pressed the red button .

" Hello , Scarlet ? "- she asked .

" Yeah , no time for pleasantries ; sorry . There's this Mafia Leader's son ; Luciano De ville . He's shooting at us . "- I explained straight to the point .

" What ? How did you even come across him . Why is he after you anyway ? "- I could sense the worry and panic in her voice .

" Because I might have beaten him up or something , "- I answered and pulled the phone away from my ear just in time as she yelled * what !* .

" Ok , tell your friends to drive to the Old Maple Bridge and wait . I have an idea . "- she said before ending the call .

" Blonde lady said we should wait over the Old Maple Bridge ."- I said a little bit out loud.

They nodded as Jared took a left turn in full speed .

" They are still following us , arghh ! "- Maya exclaimed .

Bang .

" They shot the tire , they shot the tire "- Jared repeated as he took off his seatbelt .

" Hurry , open the doors and jump out "- Mark ordered as Kelvin opened the doors .

" Hurry guys , I don't think I can control the van anymore ."- he said again and left his seat to join us .

" We have to help the girls land safely down , "- Kelvin remarked as he opened the other side of the door .

" I'll take Scarlet , "- Mark said immediately pulling me into his body . Jared did the same for Maya while Kelvin did same for Beatrice who was still trembling .

" Don't worry , no one's going to touch you while I'm still alive . "- he whispered in my ear obviously feeling the fast paced thumping of my heart .

We were all taken aback as the van began rotating .

"Nothing's going to happen ok , just do a couple of breathing exercises and you'll be alright . I mean look at the muscles you girls have for protection . You can do this Beatrice , "- Kelvin reassured and brought Beatrice back on his feet with him .

" On the count of 2 ... "- he held Beatrice tightly while I was engulfed in Mark's scent of vanilla as well .

" Everything will turn out --- "- he was cut short as all of us were shot out of van due to the speed the van had taken up .

I heard a few hisses of pain as we landed on the hard ground in an abrupt shoot .

I didn't suffer from much pain but I'm sure the boys did . Why did I have to beat him up .

" Kelvin ! "- I heard Beatrice yell as she began to ran towards the van .

" Kelvin ? He never got out , "- Maya mumbled as we all ran towards the van . A few feet was all it was going to take until we raised our hands in surrender when Luciano De ville approached us with a gun .

" And where do you think you're going , "- he said as he slowly backed us away from our dangered friend .

" You don't have to do this Luciano , I'm the one you want so let my friends go . "- I said as I stood in front of him but was quickly met with five guns all aiming for my head . I took a few steps back and saw a slight chuckle on his face .

" You have guts don't you , me likey ... Not , "-
he got close to me and started touching my face with a smile .

" Please , "- I said almost in a whisper moving his hand away .

" Kneel , all of you . "- he commanded automatically making his five men harshly push us down .

" Let's get this over with , " - he pointed the gun to my head .
Maybe I deserve this .
" Just kill me and leave my friends alone , "- I whispered and squeezed my eyes to prevent any tears from surfacing .

" Don't listen to her , kill me and leave the rest . Wouldn't your father be happy if you killed a member of the porcupines , "- he said with a straight face.

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