Chapter 33

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Sunday .

" So how are the clothes I bought for you , I hope they all fit "- blonde lady asked as he started to move a few things into my room .

" They are good , "- I mumbled while helping her with the laptop .

Ooooo , it's been a while since I touched one of these .

" Done , you are now all set for school tomorrow . "- she said as she slumped on my bed .

" Ugh get off my bed blonde lady ! "- I yelled with a smile .

" Oww "- I groaned as I rubbed the spot where the pillow had been thrown at .

" I bought this bed for you , Missy ! "- she scolded before getting off my bed and unto one of the bean bags on the floor .

" So how was yesterday with your acquaintances ? "- she asked with last part being air quoted .

" They were busy so Mark was the only one who came visiting , " - I said as I checked out my new back pack .

" At least you were alone with a good boy . "- she stated with a smile .

" Yes and he was very helpful "- I replied with a smile .

" Miss. Summer did a really good job with him "- she complimented Miss Summer as well . Where's my own compliment .

" For someone who says he's two faced "- I whispered .

" What ? "- she asked .

" Nothing , just talking to myself . "- I replied as I started skimming through my books .

" So have you decided on the subjects you would be taking ?"- she asked .

" I'll tell you that later "- I headed out with a smile .

" I'm going to bake cookies , do you want some ! "- I yelled .

" You need to stop yelling in this house ! "- she scolded as she got out of my room .

" Fine , "- I laughed before running down the stairs to the kitchen .

Time to feel my mouth with cookie goodness .

* Knock , knock *

" I'll get it , "- I heard blonde lady say before opening the door .

" Mark ! , Nice to have you here "- she said before giving him a hug .

I placed my cookies in the oven before stepping out .

" Oh , hi Scarlet. "- he greeted in a shocking shy tone .

Giving me a wink later after blonde lady turned to look at me .

He's truly two faced .

" I'll leave you two , "- she excused before grabbing a few files and leaving to her room .

" I missed you "- he said before engulfing me in an unbreathable hug .

" Yeah , me too "- I mumbled before he let me go .

* Ding *

" I'll be right back "- I excused before checking on my cookies .

I served them on plates and placed two glasses of milk on the serving tray .

I served it on the centre table before sitting back down .

" You made them ? "- he asked in an amused tone .

" Of course , "- I replied as I took a sip from my milk .

" So why are you here today too "- I asked as I took a cookie and handed him one too .

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