Chapter 34

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Monday !!! 🥳

* Knock * knock *

" Scarlet I hope you're ready ! "- I heard blonde lady say behind the door .

"Yes ! , Why are you asking ? "- I said as I braided a few strands of hair and decorated it with golden clips .

" Because Mark is here to take you to school , "-

" Mark is here ? "- I repeated as I took my back pack and dashed out of my room .

" Scarlet at least eat something ! "- blonde lady yelled as I was about to open the front door .

" Ok , "- I whispered before picking up my toast and poured myself a glass of juice .

" You look beautiful , "- blonde lady complimented making glance down at the clothes I chose yesterday .

I was in black ripped jeans with a green crop top with flowery patterns covering it and cute black heels I had learnt to walk in for several frustrating hours before I got it right .

" I guess so , "- I replied with a smile .

" I'll be going now "- heading back to the door .

" Won't you give say goodbye ? "- she asked while helping me clear up my eating area .

" Never ! "- I dashed out with a sigh of relief .

Woah , Mark owns a car ?

" Come on in , Scarlet "- he gestured opening the door for me at the backseat .

" You look beautiful as always "- he Complimented .

I sat in as I waited for Two faced boy there to come in too .

He started the engine and turned on the radio as music blasted out of it .

" Ready for high school ? "- he asked while staring at me .

" Ready as I will ever be , "- I replied with a smile .

Mark was looking amazing as usual ; with his dark jeans and a green and brown checked shirt . His hair screaming rake through me as always .

He turned to look at me with a raised eyebrow as he blew a kiss .

I laughed at his goofiness and turned away .

" So I've asked for permission from your mom to take you somewhere after school "- he casually said .

" Just like that ? "- i asked.

" Of course , moms love good boy Mark . "- he replied with a smile as his hand brushed through his hair .

"Ok , two faced boy . "- I said as I intensionally destroying his hair style with a good laugh .

" What are you doing ! "- he asked in between laughs .

" What ! , I'm cooling down my craving "; I said as I continued .

" Your craving to wreck my hair ? "- he asked with a judgy face .

" Eyes on the road , two faced boy . "- I reminded him .

" Oh "- he exclaimed with a smile as he focused on his driving while I innocently continued to wreck his hair occasionally .

I looked out the window as i admired the scenery .

" Two faced boy wait ! "- I yelled as I tried to open his door .

"Why do you keep calling me that... What are you doing ! "- he asked panic .

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