chapter 5

186 13 3

It has been weeks now since that horrifying incident.

I have had no beatings ever since and to be honest I am happy about that and don't worry , he now allows us to have three square meals a day but that doesn't stop us from keeping a stash of snacks .

Just in case.

My dad hardly comes home early and this really feels like home now.

We eat to our satisfaction , sleep till we can't sleep anymore and even chillax till it's enough for us.

Three months later.


I was braiding Janet's hair when my dad walked in with another man.

They walked inside his room without a word leaving their mouths .

I shrugged it off and continued braiding her hair .

I had a bad feeling sitting in the living room so I urged my little sister to go to our room and wait for me there.

I tidied up the place and was headed inside the room when I heard my dad calling me.

I almost had a heart attack.

I swallowed so hard my throat hurt.

I slowly walked into the room to see both men exchanging money.

They both simultaneously looked at me when I entered.

My dad left the room but not without me seeing the smirk on his face.

Immediately my dad left , the man headed towards me .

I was so uncomfortable so I tried to get out but the door was locked .

I looked into the Man's eyes and I got so disgusted at how he was looking at me .

I quickly headed to the other side of the room but got hold my hand and started twisting it .

I begged him to stop but he was just making it more painful.

He attempted to touch my face but I dodged so he slapped me with his other hand.

I started crying and calling for my dad to help.

But no one came to my rescue .

I can't believe he would do this to me.

He pushed me on the bed and forced me to stay still on it .

He tried to strip me but I wasn't going to allow it so he then tore my clothes leaving my under garments .

He wanted to remove those as well and in anger , I kicked him in his jewels .

I quickly got out of the bed and tried to barge the door open.

But it wouldn't open and by the looks of it , he had recovered and was heading towards me in anger . He punched me and I started bleeding from my nose .

I got tired after so many futile attempts so he kept hitting me , he soon dragged me by my hair and pushed me on the bed again .

I was crying all over but he just kept moving closer to me .

I tried to kick his jewels again but he caught it and squeezed it so hard I couldn't take it , I cried so hard but no sign of mercy was seen in his eyes.

I was weak but that didn't mean that I would give up so easily .

I gathered all my strength and jabbed my fingers in his eyes.

He quickly got of me to soothe the pain and I took the nightstand close to the bed and hit him in the head.

He fell flat on the bed with blood oozing.

I curled up on the other side of the bed and cried so hard .

I went to check on the door again but it was still locked.

I went for a chair to break the door but it still wasn't working.

I gave up and went ahead to check on the man.

He was still , cold and lifeless .

I felt my face turn pale and immediately checked his pulse.





I'm confused , by night stand I was trying to say the vase like thing that lights up at night 🤔.

I think I've just confused myself all over again  .

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