chapter 11

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I heard the door bell ring and passed the money to the mailman through a slot in the door. He slid a paper through it too and I signed.

I told him to leave the box there.
Once he left ,I opened the door and quickly brought the box inside.

I opened it and carefully laid the equipments on the centre table and observed them for a while.

I went for the laptop and learnt how to make tattoes and hopefully I was able to learn them faster than I taught.

I began to practice what I wanted and made sure everything I was planning on doing would be perfect.

I got tired after a while and went for another nap ; well if you have nothing else to do what do you expect.

I woke up the next morning when I felt light blinding me even though my eyes were closed.

I got up and cleaned the place , brushed my teeth and took my bath.
I wore a long blue skirt with a slight split and a white strapless top.

I made food for myself and fed him his when I was done ; as usual.

So I was thinking , if the police never came to arrest my dad then that means he did something to him as well ; that heartless man .
My mom then my sister.

I wiped the tears that had manged to escape away.

I got filled with so much anger that I went in there ; not to do any serious harm but I hope this makes him feel something.
I climbed down the stairs and walked to him.

" You do know that what you are trying to make happen will never happen , right ?" - he said with that stupid smirk on his face.

" But I know you definitely feel the pain ! "- I said and looked him in the eye.

I brought my secret weapon out.

" Really , what exactly are you going to do with that "- he said.

I kept silent and stood there.

I lowered myself and brought out the weapon ; got close to his face .

I could see he knew what I was about to do so he backed his head away from me.

" Don't . You . Dare . Scarlet ! "- he warned.

" Would it shock you if you knew I was a dare angel now ! "- I smirked.

I pushed his head to make him face me.
I brought the weapon up again and I was finally done with what I came here to do.

" How . Could. You . Scarlet ! "- he said in a disapproving tone.

" Do you think I care what you think of me , you murderer "- I replied .

I turned to walked away but couldn't help it

" Nice eyebrows though , oh I totally forgot . I shaved it off and you look very ugly by the way . No woman would ever want to be with you again "- I said making an O shape with my mouth placing my hand on it.

He only glared at me.

" See you tomorrow dad , the groceries are finished so no more food for the day "- I said lastly before leaving his trapdoor room.

I smiled when I remembered his face after I had shaved his eyebrows.

I sat back down and continued with my practice.

I went back to the trap door room to apply that send off thing on his eyebrows ; don't want those things growing back again.

" Goodnight Dad !" - making sure he felt the danger he was in two days to come.

I patted him on the back and left the room ; that's enough for the day.

I made myself some tea and sandwich before going to bed .

I closed the curtains this time and made my self comfortable surrounded by Janet's smell.

I closed my eyes and slowly felt myself drift off to sleep.

I woke up and stretched before checking the time.


I freshened up and went to prepare food for myself.

I made some omlette and sent some to him . I laughed so hard when I saw him ; never joke with your eyebrows.

Luckily the mirror was still attached so he could see what he had become ; an ugly monster.

I fed him then left to get ready for tomorrow.

I think I have to do something to him today ; yes!.

I went to his room to search for one of his big framed pictures.

I quickly went to his trapdoor room and also clipped his old pic alongside the mirror.

" Now , you can see for yourself what you have become ; a disgusting hairless faced murderer " - I said eyeing him before I left.

It was soon afternoon ; I think it was 1 something I guess.

I paused my practice and went to prepare our lunch.

I sent his food to his trap door room and fed him .

I left right after and went to continue my practice.

I continued until I was sure I was perfect .

I placed all my experiments down and went to watch Netflix movies , I got up after a while and went for an ice cream .
It has been free ice cream for me since I broke that fridge.

I came back and eventually dozed off.

I was woken up when someone screamed
" Ugh "

I checked the title of the movie.

" Scary movie 4 , of course "- I turned off the television and went to bed . No cooking and obviously no eating this evening.

The groceries were finishing rapidly plus I was kind of not used to eating dinners.

I checked the time and it was eight forty - two.

" Ugh ".

I got up from the couch and went to sleep on a more comfortable bed.

Tomorrow is going to a big day !


Don't do it Scarlet , you are better than this !

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