Chapter 7

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It's finally Friday. Not that I hate school or anything. I actually like it here since I made friends so quickly.

But whether I like it or not, it's still exhausting, especially since I tutor afterwards. I'm excited for the weekend so I can take a break.

The morning classes drag on like usual, but I keep myself amused by watching Jungkook fight to stay awake. His head keeps drooping forwards, eyes fluttering closed every five minutes.

He looks so relieved when we are dismissed for lunch. I almost feel bad reminding him about our deal.

"Ready to go over your Math homework now?" I ask him. He groans.

"What's the point? It's already been graded," he complains.

"The point is learning so that you don't fail the class," I laugh.

"Fine, whatever. Let's get food first though," he sighs.

"Of course, I'm starving," I agree.

Jungkook takes my bag for me as we walk to the cafeteria. He also holds my tray, putting food on it for me.

"I can do that myself you know," I tell him, even though I like the fact that he does it for me.

"With those crutches? Yeah right," he scoffs, continuing to grab food for himself too.

"Who do you normally sit with during lunch?" I ask as we walk to a table.

"I usually don't eat in the cafeteria," he answers vaguely.

"Where do you eat then?" I question.

"I normally hook up during lunch and then eat food quickly before classes start again," he chuckles. My face heats up at his answer.

Every day?? Damn...

"Don't you ever want to eat with your friends though?" I ask, trying to change the topic a little.

"My friends go to a different school. You would get to meet them if you came to the party tonight, but your lame so..." he shrugs.

"I'm not lame, I'm just busy," I say defensively.

"How is making someone do math during lunch not lame?" he shoots back.

"Quit whining. The faster you work, the sooner we can be done. Maybe you'll even have time to squeeze in a hookup afterwards," I try to motivate him.

"Is that an offer?" he smirks, raising his eyebrows.

I choke on the bite of food I just took.


"No! God, what is wrong with you," I breathe out, looking away from his seductive stare.

"Suit yourself," he chuckles.

I pull out the homework sheets and a blank piece of paper, not wanting to continue this conversation.


I get bored sitting in gym class. I can't participate obviously, so what's the point of being here?

"Coach, Mr. Park asked me to help him with something. Is it okay if I go?" I lie. Since when am I such a bad kid, lying and cheating?

"Yeah go ahead," the coach says, waving me off.

I slowly make my way through the halls, getting fed up with the crutches already.

I knock before entering the classroom. Mr. Park looks up at me, surprised, but motions for me to enter.

"Aren't you supposed to be in gym right now?" he asks as I sit down at my desk.

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