Chapter 32

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I once again wake up with a pounding headache. I'm not sure if it's because of the alcohol or the endless crying. At least I know it's not from missing Jimin like yesterday's headache.

It's hard to miss someone when they are pressed up against you...

But he immediately distances himself when he wakes up to my alarm too. Damn. I should have turned it off sooner.

"S-Sorry, I tend to move a lot when I sleep," he mumbles out in a raspy morning voice.

"It's fine," I reply softly. More than fine actually.

"You should sleep more. I can make breakfast and help Haein get ready. And you guys won't have to take the bus so you'll have more time anyways. Or do you want to stay home again today? Cause that's fine too," he rambles off as he stands up from my bed.

"I'll go to school. Could you just get me some water and Advil? It's in the bathroom cabinet," I ask, rubbing my temples as I sit up.

He nods, disappearing for a moment before he comes back and hands me two pills and a glass. I tip my head back to take them and he lets out a small laugh, smiling for the first time since he got here last night.

"Are you laughing at me?" I pretend to be upset. But honestly, it's nice to see him happy again. I feel like I am constantly bringing his mood down.

"I just never thought I'd see you hungover," he shrugs. "But seriously, sleep for a little longer," he says before walking out.

Obviously I'm not going to fight him on this, so I let my head fall back onto the pillow.


"Yeji-ya, breakfast is ready," Jimin says softly after gently shaking me awake.

I just nod against the pillow. Once I hear him walk out again, I push myself up and out of bed. I quickly wash up in the bathroom before shuffling into the kitchen.

Haein is sitting on Jimin's lap as they both eat. The whole table is covered in different plates of food. Damn, how long was I asleep?

"Noona, Hyung let me help make the eggs!" Haein squeals happily when he sees me.

"That's great bud, thank you for the food," I say to them both. I sit down across from them and start eating. It's kind of awkward, especially since things aren't really okay between me and Jimin.

"We used all the eggs though, so I'll get you more after school. And you're running low on rice-" Jimin starts to say.

"I can do our grocery shopping," I remind him.

"Right, sorry," he says, frowning slightly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to come off harshly. My head just hurts still. I appreciate the offer," I clarify, feeling bad.

"Noona's head still hurts?" Haein asks in a concerned voice.

"Just a little, but I'm fine," I give him a reassuring smile.

After we finish eating, I head back into my room to get ready. As I'm getting dressed, I realize something.

"Wait Jimin-ssi, you aren't going to have time to go home and put on work clothes or anything," I jog into the kitchen worriedly.

"I already called and asked the other math teacher to cover my first hour since his free period is then," he tells me calmly as he continues to wash the dishes.

"Oh, okay," I nod.

I should have known that he had a plan. He's not irresponsible and impulsive... Unlike me. I cringe a little when I think back to yesterday's events. What the hell was wrong with me?

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