Chapter 34

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** I recommend rereading the last chapter or two for some context since it has been soooooo long since I updated oops...

A brief recap is Jimin took her out to dinner with his friends because he wanted to cheer her up thinking she was upset about Jungkook. At the dinner, they found out that it is her birthday on Saturday and decided to have a party for her at Jimin's place.


I wake up feeling warmer than usual. Oh no, did I get a fever overnight? That would be the worst way to start my birthday.

But after my eyes flutter open, the true source of the heat is revealed.

"Haein-ah, when did you come in here?" I ask after waking the small boy curled by my side.

"Hm?" he hums out, still foggy with sleep.

"Did you have a nightmare last night?" I ask, concerned.

"No. I just wanted to be here when you woke up," he says, pushing himself to sit up on the bed. "Happy birthday!" he cheers, mustering up some energy.

"Haha, thank you love," I say, patting his head and smoothing out his tousled bed head hair.

"Noona is an adult now!" he grins excitedly.

"I still feel like a kid," I laugh honestly.

However, our conversation is cut off by the sound of our doorbell ringing. I glance at the clock on my bedside table. It's only 9am. Why is someone here? I'm not supposed to be at Jimin's until 1pm.

I decide it's easier to just check who it is than to keep guessing, so I climb out of bed.

I slide my feet into my slippers and pull a sweatshirt over my pajamas before walking to the front door. I open it, exposing a sheepish Jimin.

"What are you doing here already?" I ask, feeling a bit insecure about my appearance.

"I thought maybe we could spend some time with just us before my friends make everything chaotic..." he says, seeming unsure of his actions.

My chest fills with warmth though, excited that I get to spend time alone with him. But I can't let him see how happy it makes me or my feelings will be too obvious.

"So you wake me up at 9am on my birthday?" I ask, pretending to be annoyed, finding it easy to tease him when he's nervous like this.

"Sorry... the plan was to make food while you were still sleeping and then surprise you with breakfast in bed, but then I realized I couldn't get inside..." he says, his mouth flattening in a line.

I'm a little caught off guard by the thoughtfulness.

"I'm just joking, I was already awake," I chuckle, opening the door a little wider so he can step inside. "But give me like 10 minutes to wash up and then we can cook together," I tell him.

"The point was supposed to be me cooking for you though," he pouts a little.

"You're going to tell me to not do something on my own birthday?" I tease.

"Fine, fine, whatever. But you don't get to change the menu because I only brought ingredients for pancakes," he says from behind me as I walk towards the bathroom.

"Pancakes?! I've never had homemade pancakes before," I spin around with a wide grin. Jimin's eyes light up at this, seeming proud of his choice.

"Well lower your expectations because I don't make them very often," he chuckles. I just laugh before actually walking into the bathroom to wash up.

Life Lessons [Park Jimin]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें