Chapter 6

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As soon as I get home from dropping off Yeji, I realize that I'm probably crossing some student teacher boundaries or something, but I can't really find it in myself to care. Am I really expected to turn a blind eye to a kid who needs help?

I walk to my closet, digging out the crutches from the back and then toss them into the back seat of my car. And then I don't let myself dwell on it any longer.

I make a quick dinner before I start grading homework. Most of the kids are doing well so I feel pretty good. Yeji of course gets everything right. There are of course a few people who didn't do so well. Kim Taehyung is one of them, but since he came to tutoring today, hopefully he will start to do better.

Jungkook is another. He barely gets more right than wrong. But from what I've seen in class, he's friends with Yeji. Maybe I should tell her that he is struggling so she can help? I'll wait a few more days to see if he reaches out on his own.

After I finish grading, I practice my lectures for tomorrow. For like the millionth time... I don't think I'll ever get over my nervousness while teaching. I don't know what I was thinking when I became a teacher. I've hated public speaking my entire life. But I'm good at math. And I like inspiring kids, so here I am.


I wake up with a groan, lifting my head up off my desk. I rub the back of my neck. I really need to stop falling asleep while working.

I just can never seem to fall asleep in my bed. I always lay awake, thinking about how it's too big to sleep in alone.

I rub my eyes before checking the time on my phone.

4 am.

Is it even worth it to try to go back to sleep? I have to leave by like 5:20 to get to Yeji's place on time anyways.

I stand up and stretch, my back cracking several times. I'll just use the extra time to make dinner so that I can pack it and eat at school instead of coming back to this lonely apartment.

Maybe this is another reason I like teaching. I like being surrounded by people, even if it is just a bunch of kids.

I could hang out with my friends but I always feel a bit awkward spending time with them. Hoseok and Yoongi are dating and Namjoon and Jin are married, so no matter who I hang out with, I'm a third wheel, and sometimes a fifth wheel. It usually makes me feel more alone then when I'm actually by myself.

I step into the shower, the cold water washing away all of my depressing thoughts.

After getting out, I dry off and get dressed, choosing to wear some black slacks and a light blue button up. I add a simple black tie and decide that it's good enough. I have no one to impress at school anyways.

I eat breakfast quickly and then make food for dinner. After packing the food away, I glance down at my watch.


Shit! How did that much time go by already? I run out the door, almost forgetting to grab my coat on the way.

I drive a little faster than I know I should, but I would feel terrible if I make Yeji late for school.

I pull up outside of her place, throwing the car in park. As I grab the crutches from the back, I hear a door open behind me. I spin around to see Yeji hopping out while holding Haein's hand.

"Jimin-hyung!" Haein yells, making Yeji look up and notice me.

"Oh, good morning Mr. Park. I thought you had forgotten about your offer," she says quietly.

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