Chapter 20

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My group of friends is sitting in class talking about our weekends as we wait for the teacher to get started.

Taeyeon spent most of the weekend dancing, and Minjoo went to visit her grandparents. Haewon and Taehyung talk about all the cute couple things they did which makes me feel a pang of jealousy. Jungkook spent most of the weekend drunk and therefore doesn't remember much to tell us.

I wish I could tell them about Haein's party with Jimin, but obviously I can't, so I just rest my head against my desk and try to listen to them.

But just because I can't talk about it, doesn't mean I can't think about it, and I soon find my mind wandering.

I know that I've always had some trouble thinking of him as 'Mr. Park', my teacher, rather than 'Jimin', my crush, but I'd say 90% of the time he was 'Mr. Park' to me.

However, when we were together on Friday, it really felt like we were just two friends hanging out together. And now I can't get my mind to think of him as my teacher anymore.

Like, yes I still respect him as my teacher and I'll listen to him during class. But I also want to text him just to see what he is doing or get lunch with him or do other things that friends do together.

"Yeji?" Jungkook nudges my shoulder.

"Hm?" I lift my head to look at him.

"I called your name like four times," he laughs, showing his bunny teeth. God, I love his smile.

"Anyways, I can't eat lunch with you today, sorry," he adds somewhat apologetically.

My heart sinks a little. We didn't hang out all weekend so I was looking forward to spending time with him. I'm about to ask why he can't when the teacher decides to start class.

"It's fine, I'll eat with someone else," I whisper to him quickly and he nods.

I could always eat with the girls and Tae, but a different idea pops into my mind. Maybe I can try to eat with Jimin...


As soon as the lunch bell rings, I hop out of my desk and head towards the cafeteria. I want to find Jimin before I lose my nerve to ask.

After I pay for my food, I walk towards the teachers lounge. I rehearse my story a few times in my head before I knock on the door.

An older woman opens the door. I don't recognize her so she must teach the younger grades.

"Hi, can I help you?" she asks politely.

"Is Mr. Park in there? I tutor for him after school and I have some things I need to ask him beforehand," I lie smoothly.

"Sorry dear, Mr. Park doesn't usually eat here. I think he eats in one of the classrooms," she says with a slight frown.

"Oh, okay, thanks!" I smile awkwardly before walking away.

I guess I can text him to see where he is. But I left my phone in our classroom so I'll have to go there first.

However, Jimin is conveniently standing in front of our classroom so I don't have to text him anymore.

"Hey Mr. Park!" I greet him, making sure to address him properly for school. I'm still getting used to calling him Jimin outside of school and I don't want to slip up.

He turns around suddenly, eyes wide. "Y-yeji," he stutters.

"Sorry, didn't mean to sneak up on you. But you don't mind if I join you for lunch, right?" I ask, reaching around him to open the door.

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