Chapter 28

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I've finally started to feel at ease around Jimin's friends. It was still awkward after we all sat down, especially since Jimin hit Yoongi's head, scolding him for making fun of me, to which Yoongi called me a tattle tale.

But we've just been talking for a while now. Or at least they have been talking, and I've been listening. They all take turns reminiscing in their memories. They aren't childhood stories since he met them all as an adult, but they are still really funny and cute, and some of them are even a bit wild. 

It's interesting to hear about Jimin's life from his friends point of view. I know him as Mr. Park, the teacher and sort of as Jimin-ssi, my friend. But they know him as Jiminie, the small, soft boy with a slight drinking problem.

"Guys stop, she's probably getting bored hearing about my questionable actions," Jimin groans as they start another story.

"I'm not bored, but I am a little worried Haein is learning too much about big kid things," I chuckle.

"Nah, he seems pretty into his books," Jimin says. And he's right, because normally Haein would protest saying he is a big kid, but he's still silently concentrating on the words in front of him.

"Jimin is right though, we have been talking about all of us too much. It's your turn, what are your crazy stories?" Jin asks me.

"Me? I don't really have any, definitely none that compare to you guys," I admit, chuckling awkwardly to cover for how lame I feel.

"Not even during college?" Yoongi questions.

"I've had to look after Haein since he was basically a baby so I don't have much time for myself," I explain, carefully avoiding the fact that I haven't gone to college yet.

"Dang, that sounds tough. You should get a babysitter sometime and go out with Jimin. He can definitely show you a good time," Hoseok smirks, making me blush.

"Hyung, knock it off," Jimin threatens lightly. "There's nothing wrong with not having crazy stories. In fact, I think we are the strange ones," he comes to my defense.

"Fair enough. So then just tell us a regular story," Namjoon prompts me.

The problem is I don't really have regular stories either. My whole teenage life has been taking care of Haein. But I can't tell them that because I'm supposed to be like 22 at the youngest. In their minds, I probably started looking after Haein after turning 18.

"I'm kind of boring... I was a nerd growing up, and pretty much still am. I didn't have many friends before moving here a few months ago. They drag me out sometimes now, but we don't do anything notable," I tell them.

"What do you usually do with them?" Namjoon prompts me to continue. He's probably just pretending to be interested to be polite.

"Just what everyone else does, get food, go to parties, walk around Hongdae, uhh," I pause, realizing that I don't do much with my friends outside of school. "Go to movies, arcades, parks, rollerskate, dance, game together," I continue as things come to me a little faster once I start thinking about Jimin.

"That doesn't sound boring. You should hear what Jimin does in his free time. Did you know he spends hours practicing his lectures before each class?" Hoseok laughs.

"Yah, I'm the one who did most of those things with her," Jimin argues, but then his face flushes when he realizes that he just exposed himself a little.

"Really?" Jin smirks, amused.

"It's not a big deal. Like she said, everyone does that stuff," Jimin tries to backtrack unsuccessfully.

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