Chapter 26

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**A/N - rip I am so sorry that I'm updating so slowly, thank you all for being so patient. I'll try to update more frequently.


I wake up to a dull ache in my stomach. I'm a little surprised since I'm not usually hungry right away. Maybe I can ask Jimin for something small to eat before we leave. But as I stretch lazily, my eyes fly wide with realization. I throw the blankets off of me and scramble up to look.

And sure enough, there is a dark red patch on the sheets. I look down to see the matching stain on Jimin's sweatpants.

Fuck. Of all fucking times, it had to come last night? I'm not even supposed to start until the end of the week. What am I supposed to do?!

I start by turning to the sleeping boy beside me.

"Haein-ah, can you go to the living room? You can keep sleeping on the couch. Noona needs to do something," I say softly after shaking him awake.

"Huh? Why?" he mumbles groggily.

"Please just go," I ask desperately. Despite the confused look on his face, he nods and climbs out of bed. I hear the door open and close behind me as I stare at the sheets. Just as I'm about to start pulling them off, I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in," I say, thinking Haein is coming back for a pillow or something.

"Why'd you send Haein out?" a deep raspy voice asks behind me.

I'm actually an idiot. I forgot he was sleeping out there. I quickly turn around to face him so that he doesn't see the red on the back of his sweats.

"Uh, he said he wanted to sleep with you," I lie.

"Huh? What's wrong?" he asks, sensing my nervousness.

"I - I just..." I mumble, my eyes starting to water from embarrassment. I can't believe this is happening.

"Hey, what is it?" he asks again with more concern, walking towards me.

But then his eyes flick behind me, his mouth opening a little in realization. I quickly reach up to cover his eyes.

"Don't look, it's gross. I'll clean it, please just leave," I beg.

He lets out a sigh, pulling my hand away to hold it between us. I look down at my feet, not wanting to see the look of disgust in his eyes.

"Yeji, it's not gross, it's perfectly natural. You shouldn't be embarrassed," he says softly.

"I ruined your pants too," I mumble.

I feel his fingers under my chin, pushing lightly to make our eyes meet.

"You didn't ruin anything. It'll wash out. And even if it doesn't, they are just pants. I can buy more. I promise I'm not mad or grossed out or anything," he reassures me.

"Really?" I sniffle.

"Yes. Just go shower and leave the clothes outside the door. I'll take care of everything," he says, caressing my cheek lightly before backing away to get me some clean clothes to change into afterwards.

I feel my chest swell with relief that he isn't mad or disgusted. "Okay," I nod, walking towards the door.

Once I'm in the bathroom, I strip off my clothes, frowning at the mess. I try to wash most of it out under the shower before I set them outside. Then I get into the shower and scrub myself clean. I take a bit longer than usual, not wanting to face him quite yet. He was really nice about it, but it's still awkward.

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