Chapter 33

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**A/N - damn, it's been a while... my bad.


"Ah the two delinquents are back together again. Fantastic," Mr. Choi sighs when Jungkook and I walk in together.

Taeyeon looks up at his words and makes eye contact with me. She raises her eyebrows a little, whispering a quick "You good?" I just give her a little thumbs up.

Jungkook must have noticed our small exchange because he scoffs, "Of course we're fine. It's me and Yeji. Our bond is indestructible."

"Your bond might be, but your bones aren't. Next time you fuck her over, I'll prove that to you," Taeyeon says with a scowl.

Thankfully they drop the conversation though since Minjoo and Haewon walk in a moment later.

"Don't try to mess around today. Mr. Choi already hates us," I warn Jungkook as we sit at our desks. I can't believe I've become a problem child at school.

"What am I supposed to do then? Actually pay attention?" he whines.

"You know we have an exam on Friday," I remind him, hoping it motivates him a little.

"And?" he asks, clearly not caring.

"Fine, then draw or something. But leave me alone. I actually care about my grades," I laugh.

He actually listens for most of the day which is a relief, but during PE he comes up to me with a playful smirk.

"What?" I ask as I continue to practice bouncing the soccer ball between my knees.

"Excited to see Mr. Park next period?" he asks, and something about his tone makes me feel anxious.

My soccer ball goes flying to the side because I got distracted, but I don't bother chasing after it right now.

"You better not do anything weird! You promised me," I whine quietly.

"I didn't promise anything," he argues, with a fake innocent expression on his face.

"Yah, I'm serious!" I say, raising my voice a little.

"Serious about what?" Taehyung asks, coming up from behind me.

He kicks my ball over to me lightly. Although I'm grateful he saved me from having to run over and get it myself, I'd rather he not get involved in this conversation.

"I'm just reminding Jungkook for the hundredth time that he cannot cheat off of me during the history exam," I lie quickly, which just makes Jungkook's grin grow even bigger.

"I'd let you cheat off me but then we'd both fail," Tae laughs before running back to where he was practicing with Haewon.

"You're a great liar, you could totally hide a relationship with a teacher," Jungkook says once we are alone again.

I kick my ball as hard as I can in his direction, but he must see it coming because he dodges it easily.

"I regret telling you anything," I sigh, before running off to retrieve my ball again.

"I'm just messing with you! I'll behave!" he shouts from behind me.

It eases some of my nervousness, but not much. My whole body burns with embarrassment at the idea of Jimin finding out about my crush. I'd have to move away and start all over again.

However when we walk into math class a little later, I become nervous for a different reason.

Jimin is standing at the front of the class, looking at the way Jungkook's arm is looped with mine as we walk towards our desks.

Life Lessons [Park Jimin]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora