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MIST CURLED AROUND THEIR FEET, as the withered mummy stood in the center of the wood, turning the snow a sickly shade of green. No one dared to move as her voice hissed harshly causing several people to clutch their hands at their ears.

"I am the sprit of Delphi", the voice said. "Speaker of the prophecies of Phoebus Apollo, slayer of the mighty Python".

The Oracle regarded Percy with its cold, dead eyes before turning towards Zoë Nightshade. "Approach, Seeker, and ask".

Zoë swallowed. "What must I do to help my goddess?"

Green mist poured out as the oracles mouth opened. The vague image of a mountain, and a girl standing at the barren peak appeared. The girl was Artemis but she was wrapped in chains, fettered to the rocks. She was kneeling, her hands raised as if to fend off an attacker, and it looked like she was in pain. 

The Oracle spoke again, "Six shall go west to the goddess in chains, One shall be lost in the land without rain, The bane of Olympus shows the trail, Campers and Hunters combined prevail, The Titan's curse must two withstand, And one shall perish by a parent's hand".

Then, the mist swirled and retreated like a great green serpent straight back into the mummy's mouth. The Oracle sat down on a rock still as if she might sit by this creek for a hundred years.

Zola would have laughed if the situation didn't seem so serious.


Percy and Zola were elected to carry the mummy back and she was not happy about it.

"Okay Aqua Boy, you take the feet. I'll take the arms".

"But it's..the feet".

"I know".

"But I don't want to take it , Genius".

"Jackson learn your manners, Ladies first and all that shit".

"Lopez watch your profanity".

"I'd be watching your balls if I was you".


Zola glared at him.

"Alright alright..never mind", he responded before picking up the feet but not before making a big retching show of it. 


As they neared the trapdoor with the mummy, Percy yelled "Watch the Head!".

Too late.

"BONK", the mummies head was whacked against the trapdoor frame causing dust to fly.

"Did you break anything, Lopez".

"I don't think so...Hey Jackson do you think your head got whacked like that at birth?"

"Shut up Feisty", Jackson yelled as they set the mummy on the tripod stool. 

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