The Micah problem

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The sun was starting to come up as Arthur reached the camp. He was greeted by an impatient Abigail that asked where John was.
"I- uh... I'm sorry, Abigail." He replied to her, spotting Dutch coming out of his tent.
"Dutch!" He called out as he walked to him.
"Son? Where's John?"
"I was a little too late."
Dutch sighed, "it's alright. We'll think of something."
Arthur nodded. Everything was going according to plan.

"You didn't get there in time, you say?" Micah inquired ominously.
Arthur exhaled slowly, trying to not get angry.
He hated when Micah interfered in his conversations with Dutch. He hated when Micah spoke. He just hated Micah.
"Yeah. By the time I got to the sheriffs office he was gone." He replied calmly.
"Funny. Thought I'd seen his wanted posters still up there this morning in town." Micah added.
"Must be old posters."
"Must be." He replied, giving Arthur a suspicious look.
"Is there something you wanna ask me, cowpoke?"
"Nuthin'." Micah said, as he walked away and spat on the ground.

"Fellers... How about we all calm down over some of Mr. Pearson's delicious stew?" Hosea intervened.
"I ain't hungry." Arthur said, walking away as well.
Hosea sighed as he watched both men walk away dissatisfied. He could not understand why they just couldn't get along.
Neither did Arthur. He just knew he disliked Micah, seemingly for no reason. There was always something off about that feller.
Nonetheless, Dutch and Hosea went back to planning a new robbery. A big one, it seemed.
Rescuing Golden Boy was the least of their concerns at the time.

"Mr. Morgan!"
"Oh, hello Mr. Pearson." Arthur walked up to his table.
"I made you this journal from the hide you brought in a while back."
"Oh, I almost forgot about that!"
"Haha, I haven't. Would you like me to carve your initials on it?"
"Yea- actually, you know what? This is a gift for Jack, John's boy."
"J.M then."
"Thanks, Pearson."

"J.M? As in, John Marston?" Micah interfered, sitting sharpening his knife in a corner.
"What the hell is your problem, Micah? Leave me alone!" Arthur yelled.
"Woah woah.. I'm just asking. Why so sensitive, Pretty Boy?" He said menacingly, giving Arthur a dirty smirk.
"Okay, that's it, you son of a bitch!"
Arthur brutally punched Micah in the face, throwing him on the ground.
Micah then spat in Arthur's face, which only made Arthur more furious.
In a haste of anger, Arthur pulled out his revolver and stuffed the barrel in Micah's mouth.


A warning shot was shot in the air in the back.
"BOY, PUT YOUR GUN DOWN!" Dutch yelled, stopping Arthur from sending Micah to his unfortunate demise.
Arthur looked at Dutch, and then slowly pulled the gun out of Micah's mouth.
"Next time, I won't need Dutch to come save me. I'll do it myself." Micah bickered and got up, covering his black eye.


A couple of days passed, and Arthur is still clueless in terms of what to do.
Since the Micah incident, Dutch wasn't too happy with him, so hasn't participated much in camp activities.
Micah was starting to become a bit of a problem. He always seemed like he knew a little too much, and always seemed suspicious of Arthur, despite being a suspicious man himself.

Arthur laid down in his cot looking at the sketch he drew of John when he was with him at the hotel.
Now what? He thought to himself.

He was then interrupted by someone.
"Arthur?" The voice coming from outside asked.
"Yeah?" He replied, quickly stashing his journal in his satchel.
Abigail walked in.
"Where is John, Mr. Morgan?"
"Abigail.. I already told y-"
"No. Don't lie to me. I ain't dumb. I know you wouldn't be here if you truly were too late." She interrupted angrily.
"Okay." He sighed, "Abigail, I need you to listen to me very carefully."

Arthur then sat Abigail down and told her about their escape plan... minus a few details, of course.

"We're getting you and Jack out of this life, Abigail."
"I.. I don't know what to say. What do I have to do?"
"Nothing. Just sit tight, and wait for me and John to take of it."
"You and John... Okay." She added, suspiciously.

"Everyone! Gather 'round." Dutch called over from outside.
Arthur and Abigail got out of the tent together, which made Micah raise an eyebrow.

"Me and Hosea believe we've found our next big hit. One last job before we leave this god forsaken country. One last score!"
"Alright!" gang members exclaimed.
"Shit." Arthur whispers.
"We move out in a week."
Shit! I gotta go see John.
Arthur immediately excused himself to 'go stock up on ammo' and rode to Valentine.


John was sitting alone in the hotel room looking at the window.
To say that he felt like his brains were about to blow from boredom would be an understatement.

He heard a knock.

"Who's there?"
"It's Mary-Beth. You sure you don't want some company?" Said the hotel prostitute.
"Thanks, but for the 3rd time today, no." He rolled his eyes.
"Jeez, fine. Stay alone."

He sighed and went to the dresser and started staring at himself in the mirror.
"What the hell are you doing here, John?" He whispered to himself.

His thoughts were interrupted by another knock on the door.
He clenched his jaw in anger and went to open the door.
"For the last time I'm telling y-"
Arthur held him and pounced on his lips, kissing him passionately and aggressively.
"Arthur? what are you doi-"
Arthur shut him up again with another kiss.
They eventually break off to breathe and sit on the bed.
"Did anyone see you?" John asked.
Arthur slowly started taking John's shirt off.
"Fuck me." He asked politely.
John nodded and held Arthur's face, kissing him again.

Legends of The Wild, Wild West (Arthur Morgan x John Marston)Where stories live. Discover now