Damsels in Distress [part 2]

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John hitched his horse at the camp's post and walked angrily to his tent.
He was all over the place.
He desperately needed to process what he just saw.
His emotions were a dangerous mix of betrayal and anger.

"John! Glad I caught you. Have you seen Arthur?" Dutch called out to John, who was just about to enter his tent.
"Oh hey, Dutch.. no, I haven't." John lied.
"I barely see any of you boys anymore..."
John scoffed.
"Doesn't matter, I need you to come help me and the boys with something." Dutch continued.
"Sure. I needed to get out of here anyway." John gladly accepted.

Shooting at people might just be the very thing he needed at the time.

"Aren't we going to wait for Arthur?" Javier asked.
John ignored Javier and proceeded to unhitch Old Boy.
"Trouble in paradise?" Micah asked, smirking at John mockingly.
John gave Micah a death stare and then looked away.
Dutch noticed John's tension, but chose to not say anything.

"Alright, you boys ready?" Dutch finally broke the silence.

The gang headed out to rob an O'Driscoll supply wagon that they were tipped about from one of their moles.

On the way, John speeded up to be ahead of everyone that he was with. He wanted to ride alone.
Dutch quickly noticed, and sped up to match John's speed.
"Dutch." John nodded back at his father figure, still looking ahead.
"You gon' tell me what's going on between you and Arthur?"
"Uh.. well, you know, how we always get." John continued to lie.
"Then why do I feel like it's something bigger than the usual foolish squabble this time?"
"Dutch... Look, I appreciate you trying to help us work our shit out every time... but this time, I don't think you can do much."
Dutch crossed his eyebrows in confusion and intrigue.
The conversation was cut short by Bill shouting,
"We're almost there, fellers. Better go on foot now."

The gang stopped to get off their horses.
"We will need to continue this conversation later, son. I will do my best to fix this."
"No, Dutch. It's alright." John said, walking away rolling his two revolvers like a true gunslinger.

"Hey, over here." Javier waved to John and Dutch to join them behind some rocks.
"So... my guy said the wagon should be coming through there." Said Micah, looking through his binoculars.
"And are you sure this wagon will be carrying valuables?" Lenny asked.
"Well, maybe, but I don't think Dutch really cares about that much. Right Dutch?" Micah replied smugly.
Dutch chuckled, "that's right. I just wish I could see the look on Colm O'Driscoll's face after I, yet again, take a giant dung on his operations."
Micah smiles menacingly at Dutch's statement.
"They're approaching." Charles whispered, readying his shotgun.

John immediately jumps out of the hiding spot in front of the wagon and starts shooting aimlessly.
"What the.. John!" Dutch screams, as he too comes out to help him kill the O'Driscolls shooting at him.
"Screw the plan!" Charles follows, and soon the rest of them, in this reckless and chaotic approach.

After a few minutes of shooting, the gang comes out victorious.
The fight was almost entirely one sided.

John's face was covered in blood. He looked like a mad man.
The gang starts looting the bodies, but they soon hear the sound of horses approaching from a distance.

Lenny looks over, squinting his eyes, only to see an eerily familiar group of men approaching them.
"Ah, shit! Pinkertons! Run, boys!"
Everyone immediately dropped everything and ran away, quickly mounting and kicking their horses.
John quickly tried to follow, but then the Pinkertons shot Old Boy in the leg.
Old Boy quickly fell down, throwing John off his back and onto the dirt ground.
John groaned in pain and tried to get up, but an agent was already on him.

Charles looked back and saw what was happening, and he immediately tried to go back but was stopped by Dutch.
"Dutch what are you doing?! We can't leave him behind!" Charles yelled.
"We will come back for him, but we all must run now, unless you want us all to be captured!"
Charles had no choice but to follow Dutch.

With his face completely devoid of emotion, John watched as the gang ran off into the sunset, abandoning him.
He was on the ground getting apprehended by the Pinkteron agent.

The agent bent down on his knees to look at John's face, making John spit at his.
The agent smiled and took out a handkerchief to clean the spit.
"Well, well, if it isn't Scarface."

He stood up and called out to the the rest of the agents that were chasing the fleeting gang,
"Gentlemen! We got all we need here. We caught John Marston."

Legends of The Wild, Wild West (Arthur Morgan x John Marston)Where stories live. Discover now