The heist

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A/N: Thank you so much for 2.3k+ reads and all the feedback! I really appreciate it.
Sorry for my long hiatus.
The ending to the story is going to be in 2 parts. I might add an epilogue, depending on  the feedback received.

Enjoy part 1!

After waiting for what finally seemed like an eternity, it was finally the day of the heist.
Arthur woke up early in his lonely tent. He glanced at his pocket watch before letting out a heavy sigh, and getting up from his makeshift bed.
He quickly got dressed and walked outside his tent to join the meeting Dutch was having with the other gang members.

"Today is the day, boys!" Dutch yelled, as enthusiastic and optimistic as ever. The men gathered around him and cheered at his encouraging words. They then proceeded to go saddle their horses and collect their guns.

Arthur took a quick glance at the men and noticed the count was off.
"Hey Dutch. Where's cowpoke?" Arthur called out.
"And good morning to you too, Arthur." Dutch replied sarcastically, "He went ahead before us to Saint Denis to scout the area." He added.
"Hmm.. what a good feller, he is." He replied in a lowered voice, right before spitting on the ground.

Dutch shook his head in disapproval, "I really don't understand why you both can't just get along."
Arthur scratched his neck and looked away.
"Alright. We'll talk about this later. Right now, go get your horse and follow me." Dutch said, walking up to The Count.

After putting on cowboy hat, Arthur got on his horse and nodded at Javier, who was saddling his horse next to Arthur's.
The men greeted each other and proceeded to act like everything was normal.

Arthur looked around to see Abigail standing by her tent. She carefully nodded at him when their eyes met.

"Let's go, boys." Dutch called out.
The Van Der Linde's finally rode out together to Saint Denis, with Dutch and Arthur leading the formation as usual.

"Did Trelawny get the stagecoach situation sorted out?" Arthur asked.
"I sure hope so. Hosea went to check on him earlier today. They should be waiting for us at the city gates."
"Peachy." Arthur replied unenthusiastically.

After a while, the gang finally reached the city gates, where they found Hosea in a fancy black suit smoking a cigarette, next on a black stagecoach.
"Finally." He exclaimed.
"Well, well." Arthur chuckled.
"I clean up nicely, don't I?" Hosea asked jokingly.
After sharing a chuckle; Hosea handed Arthur and Dutch their very own fancy suits that they quickly put on.

"Alright, you boys go on ahead and get to your stations on the rooftops near the bank. As soon as that alarm goes off, I wanna hear guns blazing." Dutch instructed.

"Where's Micah?" Arthur asked.
"I don't know, he was supposed to meet me here. I even had a suit for him." Hosea replied.
"Guess we'll go without him." Dutch replied.

"Good." Arthur whispered to himself, but everyone's heard it.

Arthur got into the driver's seat and started driving the coach to the bank. The rest of the gang dispersed to their respective positions.

After driving through the streets of Saint Denis for a while, Arthur couldn't help but notice how peaceful the city was in the early morning. There was barely anyone in the streets, and the air was covered with a layer of heavy mist.
It was quiet. Too quiet.

Arthur stopped the coach outside the Saint Denis Bank, and the three men made their way inside.

Thankfully, the bank wasn't too busy this morning.

After reaching the bank teller's desk, the 3 men quickly put on their bandanas.
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is a robbery." Dutch announced, pulling out his two revolvers.
"Please do not be alarmed. As soon as this nice teller hands us all the cash that's the in safe, we'll be out of your hair." He continued.

Arthur put his gun to the teller's head.
"No alarms. No. Funny. Business." He threatened.

The teller nodded his head in terror and put his arms up, slowly making his way to the safes.
Arthur followed him to the safe room, where he proceeded to open them one by one, and Arthur would take the money and stuff it in his duffel bag.

"How's it looking over there?" Hosea called out to Arthur, after a few minutes had passed.
"Two safes le-"
Arthur's sentence was interrupted by the sound of loud gunshots coming from outside.

"What the hell is going on out there?!" Dutch yelled, losing his temper.

The bank teller started manically whimpering and crying in fear, so Arthur hit him on the head with the back of his gun, knocking him out.
He then started quickly collecting anything and everything that was in the safe room, and ran outside to the main hall.

Hosea quickly ran to the window to look.
"Shit. It's the law."

"What the- how!?" Arthur yelled.
"Shit! There's too many of them." Hosea added.

The hostages started panicking at the sound of the gunshots.
"Don't you fucking move!" Dutch pointed his guns frantically at them, trying to think of a way out of this mess.

"Back door!" He yelled.
"What about the gang waiting for us outside?!"
"They'll manage." Dutch added, quickly grabbing one of the hostages and shielding his body with hers.
Hosea followed Dutch, and Arthur was left in the bank hall alone with the terrified hostages.

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